What is TMS or Transcutaneous Magnetic Stimulations and how can it help me? The term Transcutaneous Magnetic Stimulations simply refers to the technology used in electrotherapy. Electrotherapy involves the use of electrical current to treat various illnesses or to alleviate pain. Electrotherapy is most commonly used for cosmetic procedures but it’s not limited to that. In fact, you might be surprised to know that this technology is not only being used in hospitals to treat patients who have undergone major surgeries but’s also used to help to convalesce patients and paralyzed victims. TMS and ECT treatment Clifton Park is a popular method of treating mental health issues.
How it helps the patients?
How can it help me? It’s very simple. Traditional Electrotherapy treatments require direct contact between the patient and the machine. You stick something rough onto the patient such as a Styrofoam cup and then put the patient into a chair or bed and press the button on the machine known as the “ground wire”, while you simultaneously apply heat to the other end. This creates a very direct link between the two devices. When you remove the metal from contact, the electricity is extracted directly from the body and is then transferred into a device known as an amplifier which amplifies the transmitted signal.
Traditional Electrotherapy has been used as a treatment for many kinds of illnesses and conditions but the problems go deeper than that. Traditional Electrotherapy treatments are known for causing severe discomfort and pain. This discomfort can linger for days, even weeks. You need a prescription to have this kind of surgery so insurance companies won’t cover it. These methods have been widely used for mental health treatment in Clifton Park.
Electroconvulsive therapy or ECT
Electroconvulsive Therapy, more commonly known as electroconvulsive therapy, is an established psychiatric therapy in which brief seizures in patients are electrically triggered to give relief to individuals suffering from a wide variety of mental illnesses. After examining many patients who had been treated with shock treatments, Dr. Ebers found that they were able to recover from their conditions after undergoing these treatments. Electroconvulsive Therapy is considered one of the most effective forms of mental health treatment available today. The treatments have been shown to be effective in treating a wide array of conditions from obsessive-compulsive disorder, to post-traumatic stress disorder, to phobias and even learning disabilities.
The functioning of Electroconvulsive Therapy
Electroconvulsive Brain Therapy (ECT) uses electrical stimulation to induce brief seizures in the patient in order to alleviate the symptoms associated with these conditions. The treatments can also be administered on a much larger scale, using machines called monitoring devices or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). These machines use strong magnetic fields to generate brief electrical pulses along the lines of the hair strands that cover the brains of humans. These gentle electric currents are sent through the scalp to the areas affected by the neurological condition in an effort to alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition. Because the electrical impulses cause very little discomfort to the patients, it is often considered one of the gentlest forms of brain stimulation therapy available.
Another variation of electroconvulsive therapy is the direct current (DC), which is simply a continuous flow of direct current (like electricity) delivered directly to the area of the brain that is being stimulated. While some use of this treatment has been found to be more effective than ETS, the side effects from this type of stimulation are the same as those associated with the ETS procedure – including, but not limited to, tingling and/or bruising.
The advantage of the similarity between magnetic fields and those found in the body
The magnetic fields are similar to those found in your own body. These magnetic fields are used to promote healing within the body. TMS practitioners believe that energy from the earth helps to control the flow of energy within the human body. When a person has an imbalance of this energy they can experience a variety of symptoms such as depression, stress, fatigue, illness, and disease.
Patients are encouraged to wear these bracelets throughout the day. The bracelets are designed to stay on all day long and should be worn at least twenty-four hours a day. TMS practitioners say that if the magnets that are placed on the bracelets are placed on the soles of the feet then positive energy will flow into the patient’s body. Patients can expect to see results after wearing the bracelet for about five minutes per day. One can find the best options for mental health treatment in Clifton Park using TMS and ECT by visiting websites like pinnaclebehavioralhealth.com.