Original Source:- https://covidtestswab.blogspot.com/2021/03/what-is-covid-test-kit-swab.html
As we step into a new phase of the Covid 19 pandemic, it is important that we take effective steps in order to contain the outbreak and control its spread. We will need to take conscious preventive measures that can reduce infection like wearing face masks, social distancing, washing our hands, quicker and regular tests and better contact tracing.
These measures can help us best in controlling the pandemic while we wait to acquire better medical developments and vaccination. Since the corona virus is a new disease so available information on the virus is limited and hence, testing methods keep alternating. However, the best form of diagnostic test is the swab test kits. This short article will help you learn more about them.
Swab tests are basically molecular tests, and are also known as PCR tests. These tests use nasal and throat swabs to test saliva and body fluids. You can get these tests done at hospitals and medical facilities, but you may also do them by yourself in your home. There are a number of test kits available for home use. You can get the test result back quickly but of course, it will depend upon the capacity of the lab to analyze it quickly. The results are generally acquired in a few hours but may take a day also if there are large volumes of tests. Swab tests have not been a hundred percent correct and there have been some false negatives where a patient is shown to have the virus when he actually does not.
However, it will vary also on how long the infection had been present previously but a 10 percent false negative rate has been reported. However, these occur because of lab contamination and not because the test is ineffective in itself. The swab test is still the best option, especially with a nasal swab as it has very few false negative results. You can easily buy self testing kits from medical facilities and pharmacies. For more information on swab text kits, you must search for what is covid test kit swab on the internet.