What is the Blood Sugar Level? If you or any of your loved ones are feeling dizzy and weak, you should know what is the Blood Sugar Level? Before understanding what this means it is necessary that you should know what the Blood Sugar Level is. This is because when the levels of the blood sugar to go down to a certain level it will result in a drop in the levels of the other hormones and it can also cause the dizziness.

Since our body functions and our health mainly depend on the levels of blood glucose, we have to be careful enough to not have an excessive amount.

The blood glucose is the source of fuel for all the cells and organs of our body. Without the levels going down, the performance of all these will be affected. If the levels go up, it may result to having too much acid in our system; and the result would be a sick or dead body.

The blood glucose that our body contains is very important to the normal operation of our body. It gives us the energy that we need to perform our daily activities. The amount of sugar in our body depends on the availability of the food and how much of it we take in. Too much or too little will make a huge difference to our health.

The first step you should take if you think that you are experiencing a low blood sugar level is to call your doctor. They will be able to measure the levels of the blood sugar and will give you the correct instructions on how you should be eating. Your doctor may prescribe some insulin or other medications to lower the sugar in your blood. Some people need medication in order to control the levels of blood sugar.

If you have questions on what is low blood sugar level? You can ask your doctor. You might also want to check the level of the sugar in your urine. The urine test will be easier to do than the blood test. Since the blood test is more sensitive, it might give you the result sooner than the urine test.

Low blood sugar level can occur if you do not take in enough food during your meal. Taking in too much sugar can also cause the same problem as not taking enough food. You do not even need to worry if you take sugar in a liquid form because it is still the same as the sugar in your bloodstream.

Why does your blood sugar level get low? There are many reasons why your blood sugar level gets low. You might just be genetically predisposed to have low blood sugar. You might also develop it if you have diabetes. Some diabetics do not respond well to the drugs that are usually given to treat their disease.

Why does the condition become chronic? This condition can get worse due to unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. It can also get worse if you have a health condition like diabetes. Chronic low blood glucose level can lead to complications if left untreated.

Why is low blood glucose level dangerous? When your blood glucose level is low, your body will begin to use up all of its resources to try to maintain its blood glucose level. The use of all your resources might result in starving your body of oxygen and other nutrients. As a result, your body cells will die which can result to you being hospitalised. If left untreated, you can suffer from organ failure, cardiovascular problems and even brain death.

What is the treatment for this condition? Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is highly recommended that you should have regular blood sugar levels checkups. You should also stop eating sugary foods. You can ask for your doctor’s assistance so that you can follow what is considered to be a safe diet for diabetics. Your dietitian will most likely recommend a special diet for you to follow. Your doctor will also give you a list of foods to avoid, which are known to contribute greatly to developing the condition.

How can you avoid this condition? Eating foods that are fibrous is very important. They help to keep your blood sugar level regulated. Refined carbs such as white bread, pastries and baked goods should also be reduced. You will not feel hungry as these foods contain healthy ingredients that help you burn up your extra calories and keep your blood sugar level in check.