Financial awareness mainly helps a person build a clear picture of financial fundamentals, and understand the most important financial concepts; Which helps him to deal with money better, and the ability to save an amount of money more than past times, as well as pay off debts in the least possible time.. Learn about financial awareness, its importance, and what is the goal of financial awareness.
What is financial awareness?
Financial awareness can be expressed as a person’s ability to possess good skills that enable him to make bold decisions about his money, provided that these decisions are very intelligent, accurate and carefully considered.
متجر وعي مالي
يقدم أبرز الخدمات المتعلقة بالثقافة المالية وزيادة الوعي المالي
ومحو الأمية المالية لأفراد المجتمع للمساهمة في حفظ مدخراتهم
وزيادة دخلهم وتحقيق الحرية المالية.