For so many years, tube amplifier has always been a “controversial” component in the electronic field, people are attracted by its premium sound quality but discouraged by its price.
Today we are going to talk about tube amplifiers, to understand what this device is, why its price is so much higher than other amplifiers, what are its advantages and disadvantages compared with other amplifiers, and so on.
What is a tube amplifier?
The tube amplifier is one of the earliest electrical signal amplifiers.
The cathode electron emission part, the control grid, the acceleration grid, and the anode (panel) lead enclosed in a glass container (generally a glass tube) are welded to the tube base.
The electric field is used to inject an electronic modulation signal into the control grid in the vacuum, and the signal data of different parameters after signal amplification or feedback oscillation is obtained at the anode.
Tube amplifiers were used in electronic products such as televisions and radio amplifiers in the early days. In recent years, they have been gradually replaced by amplifiers and integrated circuits made of semiconductor materials. However, in some high-fidelity audio equipment, tube amplifiers with low noise and high stability coefficients are still used.
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