PID tuning is the process of adjusting a PID controller’s proportional (K), integral (I), and derivative (D) gains so that the closed-loop system continues to track its reference input as closely as possible.

PID auto tune is commonly used in the process plants. This procedure uses an auto tune algorithm within the PID Controllers.

What is PID Tuning?

PID tuning is a technique used by PID Controllers to tune the PID parameters for output. PID controllers are feedback mechanisms that operate on signals or commands and produce a corresponding output to achieve a certain desired performance characteristic.

What’s The Purpose of Using PID Auto tune?

The purpose of PID auto tuning is to ensure that a specific system output matches its reference input as closely as possible through adjusting the proportional, integral, and derivative gains. PID auto tune automates PID tuning by running a PID controller in order to find the PID gains that result in its output matching its reference input.

The process works by producing an error signal with values from -1 to 1 based on how far your PID Controller’s output deviates from its desired set point. The PID Auto tuner then uses PID tuning to automatically adjust the PID gains until the PID Controller’s output matches its desired set point.

PID Auto tuning Procedure

PID tuning within a PID controller is done by manipulating the PID controller and inputs located within the PID Controllers GUI. The auto tuning process varies based on your application.

Here are some PID auto tuning principles when PID tuning and PID controllers are used on motion systems:

1) The auto tune works best with applications that have a constantly varying reference input. For instance, auto tune will produce better results in a PID controller using its reference input to steer a motor rather than smooth out temperature fluctuations or stabilize voltage levels.

2) This is not to say that auto tune in the PID system will not work well with non-PID controllers, but they may not benefit from PID auto tuning. The critical thing to remember is that auto tune in the PID system does not make a poorly designed or functioning PID controller function well.

3) PID auto tuning does not guarantee that the PID parameters it provides will produce good results. So, be sure to check if your desired system behavior has changed after PID tuning.

4) PID auto tune may be able to produce results faster but can also take longer depending on the application and how well it performs within a given time frame. For instance, if you control a room temperature with your PID Controller, the system will likely tune PID Controllers much faster than if you control the speed of a motor.

PID Auto tuning Advantages

The main advantage of using PID auto tune is it can be helpful if you are unsure how to adjust your PID controller to tune PID controllers. All you have to do is set up your PID controller, and it will produce results in seconds with little effort on the user’s part.

You are likely to get better performance from your PID Controllers by manually adjusting the Kp, Ki, and Kd values. That’s why you need a qualified and experienced expert to run this application.