The growing research on tocotrienols supplements is promising. However, previous research and opinions have highlighted the importance of tocopherols over tocotrienols. The human body prefers alpha-tocopherol to any other form of Vitamin E. However, the entire family plays a synergistic role in human health.
It is important to know that both tocopherols and tocotrienols supplements are found naturally, there is not even a single plant that provides the entire family of tocotrienols and tocopherol in sufficient quantities.
Taking a dietary supplement that, unlike nature, supplies tocopherols and tocotrienols at the same time, is not optimal. Research has shown that tocopherols actually make tocotrienols more difficult to absorb when both are taken at the same time. Take tocopherols and tocotrienols in separate doses in different hours.
Points to remember before choosing a Tocotrienols Supplements
1. Broad tocotrienols do not naturally come together in significant amounts
- Tocotrienols are not a substitute for tocopherol
- Optimal supplementation includes the entire vitamin E complex
- Tocopherols should be taken for several hours outside of tocotrienols
- Tocopherols prevents the absorption of tocotrienols supplements in the human body
Difference between Tocotrienols Supplements and Tocopherol Supplements
Until recently, not much was discussed about the tocotrienols supplements of the Vitamin E family. This is caused due to several reasons, but the most important reason is the emphasis on alpha-tocopherol supplements at the cost of the rest of the vitamin E complex.
Present research suggests that tocotrienols supplements serve as antioxidants and also have other important non-antioxidant functions, such as maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, promoting healthy cell growth and function, and regulating cell union.
With eight molecular structures, the Vitamin-E family is made up of the same “head” with different “tail”. Out of these eight molecules, there are four isomers of tocopherol and four isomers of tocotrienol. Although the heads of Alpha, Beta, Gamma tocopherols and tocotrienols supplements are the same, but they differ in their hydrocarbon tails.
1. Tocopherols consist of phytyl side chains on their chromanol nuclei.
- Tocotrienols supplements have unsaturated tails and form an isoprenoid chainSo there are two tocols in the Vitamin-E family that share same “heads” but different “tails”. For this reason, tocopherols and tocotrienols supplements are designated with the Greek letters A, B, G, and D. Therefore, the Vitamin E family consists of two supplements: a tocopherol and a tocotrienol, both of them with different functions and bioactivity.
Research on Tocotrienols Supplements is promising
Undoubtedly, tocotrienols supplements is beneficial on human health, although they can differ from tocopherols. As a company specializing in vitamin E, A. Grace is very interested in the potential benefits of tocotrienols supplements.
According to the Research, tocotrienols supplements are unique because it helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Moreover, it helps to promote healthy cell growth and also provides antioxidant effects and supports the innate neuroprotective properties of the body. As with any “recently” investigated substance, it will be some time before substantive claims have authority, especially since many animal and clinical studies have been mixed up.
Tocotrienols Supplements and Tocopherols does not occur in significant amount
One could hope that in nature we can find the entire vitamin E family of tocopherols and tocotrienols supplements together in different plants, especially since some companies make vitamin E supplements that contain both tocopherols and tocotrienols.
The fact is that plants differ greatly in their vitamin E ratios and no single plant provides the entire vitamin E family in nutritionally appropriate amounts. Annatto beans, for example, have a higher tocotrienol content, but do not contain any tocopherols.
Even within the plant categories that predominate in tocopherols or tocotrienols supplements, we find great differences in their specific alpha, beta, gamma and delta proportions. Take for example, Annatto is rich in delta-tocotrienol, with moderate amounts of gamma-tocotrienol. and barley predominates alpha-tocotrienol. In hulled and hulled wheat, beta-tocotrienol is the predominant isomer.
Although tocopherols and tocotrienols supplements occur naturally, plants differ greatly in their proportions of vitamin E. This little-known fact radically changes our view of “natural” Vitamin E and has important implications for vitamin E supplementation with Vitamin E.