A qualified company secretary Singapore is a person who has the charter of the Chartered Secretaries Institute of Singapore. A practicing individual or a firm of chartered secretaries is perhaps the most sought-after authorized person to provide secretarial services along with sme bookkeeping service to small companies or large corporations registered under relevant company law in Singapore. A qualified company secretary Singapore has the perfect knowledge of the application of company law in the affairs of the company. He can exercise vast expertise and judgment to advise a company on various issues pertaining to the application of company law. His services range from company law advisory to drafting of notices related to various events to secretarial audit or company return filings. The same services can be provided by a chartered secretaries’ firm to companies where there is no legal requirement of appointing a separate chartered or company secretary. The various services of a company secretaries’ firm are discussed below.

Drafting and Secretarial Work – The primary services that a company secretary can offer to a large number of companies are drafting and secretarial work. Drafting generally includes preparing the draft of notices that are generally served to the shareholders of a company. This preparation of notices must be in accordance with the applicable company legislation. The drafting work is a niche that can be controlled and executed by a company secretary only, which ultimately underpins the importance of a practicing chartered or company secretary. Though there is no direct connection of a company secretary with the accounts or financial reporting segment, yet very few company secretaries also undertake the task of sme bookkeeping service.

Secretarial Audits – Another very crucial and special service that is offered by a practicing chartered secretary is the Secretarial Audits for companies that are required to get their secretarial audit done under the existing company law. This is also a niche that is specifically carved out for practicing chartered secretaries who by virtue of their vast expertise in the implementation of relevant and applicable company law follow the prescribed guidelines to adhere to every statutory requirement.

Also Read: How to complete Registration of A Company

Company Law Advisory – A company after incorporation is bound to follow different rules or policies enshrined in various sections of the applicable company law. These issues may range from conducting board meetings to annual general meetings to the appointment of directors among other issues. Consequently, to adhere to the numerous statutory requirements, and looking at the gravity of company law compliance, a company always likes to avail the services of a practicing chartered secretary. The chartered secretary duly appointed advises on various issues related to effective implementation of company law to the company. He also undertakes to prepare necessary documents as required under the companies act for all his clients.

Filing Company Returns – A company is also required to furnish information pertaining to various events to the registrar or the governing authority periodically. This information has to be furnished in prescribed formats filling data into which is again a complicated task for which a practicing chartered secretary is the most suitable person. The company returns may include returns pertaining to annual accounts, appointment or removal of directors, or change in the authorized or paid-up capital of the company.

Thus, we get to see that the role of a practicing chartered secretary is very significant as the continuous operations of the company predominantly rest on filing returns with the registrar and consistently applying company law as far as practicable. As today businesses are conducted in company form, the above points throw light on the emerging role of chartered secretary in the entire corporate sphere.