Corrosion Prevention

Escalating the deterioration and deterioration of water pipes due to corrosion of old iron pipes is a problem that threatens our ability to provide safe drinking water.

PVC pipes resist both underground corrosion and internal leakage. PVC is unaffected by corrosion so pipe makers continue to search for solutions.

Broken pipes and corrosion are the leading cause of burst water mains. This is a problem that has plagued most Councils. Every morning, the radio announces road closures or traffic diversions as a consequence of burst-water mains. The news even reported sinkholes that developed last year due to burst water mains swallowing cars, property.


Chemical resistance

PVC pressure pipes can withstand a wide range of chemical reagents as well as disinfectant chemicals.

PVC pipes are suitable for most water infrastructure projects due to their ability to carry strong acids, alkalis as well as aqueous solutions.

Reduced Failures of Wastewater Pipelines and Blockages

Pipe blockages, which can cause extensive damage to any pipeline system and take many hours to repair, are a major concern.

Slow flow of water through a pipe can lead to blockages and failures.

PVC pressure pipe is a very smooth lining, compared with copper, clay, and concrete pipes. It reduces water flow resistance while ensuring that water reaches its destination at the correct pressure.

PVC piping lets water flow freely and increases water pressure. PVC pipes have a higher flow rate which prevents waste and sewage from building up.


Smoothbore allows water transfer at high flows

PVC pressure pipes should not be overlooked for water supply projects. Their performance and cost-effectiveness are superior to other materials. The smooth bore of PVC pipes allows for high flow rates, which decreases the likelihood of blockage or failures.

PVC pipes have a strong track record and provide long-lasting, trouble-free performance.


Leak-free joints

The smooth, ultra-smooth finish of PVC pipe helps reduce pumping costs. It also eliminates water losses from its joints.

PVC pipes can easily be joined using elastomeric sealings.


Long service lives

PVC pressure Pipes have a demonstrated performance record of over fifty years. Overseas studies show that PVC Pipes can live up to 100 years.

A new international water pipe study from 2014, which included testing of PVC pressure tubes, has proven the pipes’ durability. PVC’s longevity, performance, and durability are demonstrated by the combination o pipe examination and testing date.

PVC Pipe Lasting Report’s main finding is that water utilities can reduce water main breaks, operations, and maintenance costs. They can also include corrosion-proof PVC plumbing in their replacement program. USU has previously shown that corrosion of iron pipes is a problem for water systems. Older pipes tend to fail faster than older ones because they have thinner walls.


Lower cost

PVC pressure pipes are a great option for projects because of their low breakage rate and extended life span. PVC pipes can also last longer which means they require less maintenance. This makes it more affordable.

The lower material cost is matched by lower installation costs due to higher productivity, lower product weight, and lower transportation costs.


PVC Pipes- The best pipeline option for pipe under load

PVC pipes are flexible and can bend when being externally loaded with soil weight and heavy-duty traffic. Rigid pipes like those made of concrete clay or ceramic will not bend when loaded and may collapse at their limit.

PVC pressure pipes that are subject to external loading will experience a deflection in their diameter. If the pipe has been placed in the right soil conditions, it will resist deflection.


Tree Root Intrusion Resistance

Some pipe materials resist root intrusion better than others. Because there are fewer joints in PVC pipe, it is more resistant. PVC joints are flexible and less likely to leak from the settlement of backfill.

Tree roots can easily infiltrate and cause damage to vitrified clay pipes. Concrete pipes are also more susceptible to root intrusions than vitrified clay pipes.