Back pain is one of the most common problems people of all ages face and can be triggered by various conditions. 

Recurring and persistent pain and aches in the lower and upper back region can be debilitating to your quality of life and deteriorate your normal functioning and physical capacity. The causes of back pain can range from poor posture and sedentary lifestyle to underlying chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia.

For determining the exact cause behind your specific condition or if your back pain hasn’t subsided in weeks, you may consult a neurologist or a physical therapist. They will perform a thorough physical examination and design an individualized treatment plan for you. 

Regardless of the cause behind your back pain, here are some stretches that will help you alleviate pain and prevent it from recurring. They also strengthen your core, hips and leg muscles. 

Six Stretches for lower back pain relief 

Knee- To- Chest 

The knee-to-chest stretch is designed to stretch your back muscles and elongate your lower back. It increases blood flow, relieves tension and reduces pain. 

  • Lie down straight on the floor. 
  • Keep both your feet flat on the floors and bend your knees.
  • Pull one knee towards the chest, hold it against your chest for 5 seconds. Keep your core muscles tight, and spine pressed into the floor
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the opposite leg. 
  • Perform these reps 4-5 times, twice a day.

The Bridge Pose 

The Bridge pose targets your gluteus maximus, the muscles surrounding your buttocks. These muscles are utilized while performing most of your body movements and are one of the most important in the body. They provide support to your lower back and keep your back strong. 

How to perform –

  • Lie down on your back, keeping your feet on the floor and bend your knees. 
  • Raise your buttocks off the ground, forming a bridge-like line from shoulder to knees. Squeeze the buttocks with the shoulders remaining on the floor. 
  • Please get back to the starting position and rest for a few seconds before repeating it.
  • Perform three sets with 15 repetitions in each set. 

Cat-Cow Pose 

It is one of the most famous yoga poses for back pain relief. The cat-cow pose works out your lower back and abdominal muscles. 

How to perform – 

  • Begin with forming a table-top position with hands and knees on the floor and a straight back. 
  • Breathe in and tilt the pelvis back, curving your spine inside. Squeeze your abdomen and draw the navel toward your spine while breathing in.
  • Slowly start moving your pelvis forward, letting the spine round. 
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the cycle several times. 

Child’s Pose

The Child pose is yet another famous yoga position for stretching and strengthening the lower back muscles. It is one of the most effective stretches to relax your spine and relieve muscle tension.

  • Start on all fours by placing your hands under the shoulders and knees hip-width apart. 
  • Slowly sit back on your legs and bend forward with arms, resting your forehead on the floor. 
  • Try to straighten your spine as much as possible. But do not stretch it beyond a comfortable level. Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
  • Repeat 2-3 times. 

Pelvic Tilts 

The pelvic tilt exercise is designed to work the back and pelvic floor muscles. It loosens the tight back muscles and increases their flexibility.

How to perform – 

  • Lie on the back with feet flat on the floor and hip-width apart. Keep your arms on the side and bend your knees. 
  • Slowly push your stomach out and make an arch with your lower back. Hold for -10 seconds and relax. 
  • Pull the belly button towards the floor and flatten your stomach. Hold for 5-10 seconds and relax. 
  • Perform these relaxing stretches as many times as possible. 

The Cobra Stretch 

Cobra stretch is another fantastic exercise designed to strengthen your lower back muscles, promote back pain relief, increase flexibility and flatten your belly. 

How to perform – 

  • Lie down on your belly facing the floor. 
  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart and slowly push against the floor, curving your back.
  • Raise your upper body from the ground and keep the hips pressed into the ground. 
  • Hold the position for 15 seconds and repeat the same five times. 


Performing stretching and strengthening exercises daily can have several benefits apart from relieving back pain. They prevent injuries, increase overall flexibility and enhance function. 

If your back pain doesn’t subside after home treatments and regular exercise, you must immediately consult a physical therapist. They help you assess the condition, determine the cause and recover naturally with the help of evidence-based treatment modalities. 

Our innovative care strategies at Tennessee Sports Medicine will help you find quick relief.

Don’t let back pain stop you from living your life to the fullest. Commence your recovery journey today.

Feel free to contact our highly trained physical therapist.