Engagement is a crucial aspect to ensure a successful event. Be it a physical, virtual, or hybrid event, engagement has a major role to play. If your attendees are engaged with your event throughout, most likely your event will be a success.

Keeping your attendees interested in the event helps you in achieving optimal results and generating ample business revenues. However, event organizers are well aware of the fact that engagement is one of the major criteria that is responsible for making an event successful. But, sometimes negligence on this aspect of the event results in the fall of the well-curated hybrid or virtual events. To get the maximum out of your virtual and hybrid events, having brilliant and out-of-the-box ideas for engaging attendees with virtual and hybrid events is a must. Brainstorm some effective virtual and hybrid event ideas to pique your attendee’s attention instantly.

Engaging attendees with in-person events is not a task as they can simply interact with others present in the event. Whereas, chances of getting distracted and bored are relatively high with virtual events. As attendees are attending an event via a screen remotely alone and are not surrounded by other attendees. When you plan to host a virtual or hybrid event, look for a platform that offers a wide range of engagement features. It will help in keeping your attendees interested and engaged in the event throughout.

In this blog, we have listed some of the most interesting and well-tested virtual and hybrid event engagement ideas. So, without wasting any further time, let’s dig in to explore the innovative engagement ideas.

Virtual & Hybrid Event ideas to Boost Attendee Engagement

To ensure a successful virtual or hybrid event, we have enumerated some of the most exciting attendee engagement ideas. Have a look:

1. Compelling content

Having compelling content for your virtual or hybrid event is the first step to engage attendees. Curate compelling content for your virtual or hybrid events that hold the relevant information and have the power to engage attendees effortlessly. If your content is interesting, your attendees will stay with you till the event ends.

2. Gamify Your Entire Event

One of the pro ideas that has always worked in boosting engagements is, gamify your virtual or hybrid events. Everyone loves playing games and gets engrossed in it without much effort. You can integrate various games such as spin the wheel, quizzes, crossword, dart game, and more into your virtual and hybrid events. It will help in boosting your event engagements effortlessly. You can even announce to offer prizes to the top 5 winners of the game to encourage them to participate in the virtual games. Thus, boosting your virtual engagements effortlessly.

3. Integrate Leaderboard Challenges in Your Event

Motivate your attendees to explore every aspect of the event by integrating the leaderboard challenge in your hybrid or virtual event. Attendees will explore every aspect of the event and do certain activities in the lure of earning more points. The points earned are displayed on the leaderboard that is accessible to all the attendees present during the event. The event organizer may even opt to reward the top three highest scores on the leaderboard. They can allow them to redeem points in the form of gift cards and discount coupons. It helps in motivating them to navigate various aspects of the event and remain engaged with the event throughout.

4. Organize Live Polls, Q&A Sessions, and Quizzes

Conduct live polls during your virtual or hybrid event. It helps in engaging attendees with the event. Alongside, helps the organizer in gaining attendees opinion and valuable feedback. Additionally, you can even plan to organize quizzes relating to your event topic. It will help in boosting engagement at your virtual or hybrid events

Organizing Q&A sessions is one such effective way to engage attendees during the event. It enables attendees to ask their questions directly to the speaker. Thus, keeping attendees engaged with the event throughout.

5. Organize Breakout Sessions to Engage Attendees

Give your virtual attendees a chance to have discussions with each other after the session concludes by organizing breakout sessions. It helps in boosting event engagements effortlessly. Some attendees attend the event to build new business connections by interacting with many new people. Breakout sessions in a virtual or hybrid event format are a perfect solution to offer the chance to have open interactions. Thus, resulting in boosting attendee engagements.

6. Try your Hands on Photo Booths

A perfect way to engage your attendees with a virtual or hybrid event is by integrating AR/VR photo booths. It allows attendees to get clicked with branded frames during the event and take event memorabilia back home. Additionally, virtual photo booths enable attendees to share their candids directly with their friends and family by uploading them on social media. Having photo booths in an event is an excellent way to boost engagements.

7. Offer Giveaways, Discount Coupons, or Gifts

Create excitement by offering branded giveaways, discount coupons, or gifts to your event attendees. It not only helps in boosting excitement but also keeps your attendees engaged with the event. You can opt to offer virtual gift bags to the top 5 attendees who tuned in first. Additionally, you can offer a virtual gift card to attendees who answered the questions correctly that are asked by the speakers. It will help in making attendees excited for the event and motivating them to stay up till the event ends.

Wrapping It Up

Virtual meetings and hybrid events come with a lot of benefits and are quite beneficial for any business. But, here engagement plays a major role in its success. If a well-planned hybrid or a virtual event lacks engagement, it will result in a fall of the event. Today’s modern attendees just don’t want to sit in front of the screen and experience a static event virtually. It will result in dropping attendees amid virtual and hybrid events. They want to have conversations with other attendees, play games, engage with speakers, get clicked at the event, and much more just like physical events. We have listed some of the most interesting and exciting virtual and hybrid event engagement ideas in the blog mentioned above. Hope it will help you to boost engagements at your virtual or hybrid events!