The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has released the notification for the Preliminary Eligibility Test 2021. This exam will be conducted for the aspirants preparing for Group B and C posts. In this article, you’ll encounter UPSSSC’s important dates, online application, eligibility criteria, exam patterns, and lots more. Read the whole piece to understand everything about the UPSSSC PET Exam and organize for the exam.
UPSSSC PET Exam Apply Online
The interested candidates willing to offer exams can apply for the UPSSSC PET on the official website of UPSSSC-
The candidates got to follow series of steps for smooth filing of the appliance form listed below:
Step 1: Attend the official website of UPSSSC-
Step 2: From the listed tabs, select “Candidate Registration.”
Step 3: The screen will display the notifications of the UPSSSC PET Examination. Now, click on “Apply.”
Step 4: If you’re new, complete your registration after creating a login ID and password. Before completing your registration process, make sure that you’re conscious of all the relevant details and accept the declaration.
Step 5: You would like to enter all personal information, including your name, DOB, address, contact, qualification details, etc., to finish your registration.
Step 6: Now, you would like to ask the web application and upload all the specified documents/images because the case could also be. The photograph’s format must be jpg/jpeg/png and signature. The dimensions of the file must be between 5 kb to 30 kb.
Step 7: Proceed to the payment gateway after submitting the relevant details and pay the fees as applicable.
Step 8: Always Print the appliance form and keep it for future reference. It’s the hardcopy evidence of the appliance filled.
UPSSSC PET Exam Eligibility Criteria
There are eligibility criteria of the UPSSSC PET Exam about age, and academic qualifications are as follows: 1. Age Limit
The candidate’s age should be between 18 – 40 years as of 1st July 2021. This regulation criterion is applicable for all persons aside from those listed below for: Other Backward Classes/ Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: The regulation is relaxed for up to five years. It means a person belonging to those castes can apply between 18-45 years as of 1st July 2021.
Sportsperson Candidates: The regulation is relaxed for up to five years. It means an individual belonging to the current category also can apply between 18-45 years as of 1st July 2021.
Ex-serviceman Candidates: The regulation is relaxed for up to three years. It means an individual belonging to the current category can apply between 18-43 years as of 1st July 2021.
Physical Handicapped (PWD) Candidates: The regulation is relaxed for up to fifteen years. It means individuals belonging to the current category can apply between 18-55 years as of 1st July 2021.
2. Educational Qualification
The candidates must have completed high school Education (minimum 10th standard) from the recognized board.
UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 Selection Process UPSSSC PET has proposed a two-tier examination system for upcoming exams, thanks to the high number of candidates applying for limited posts. The choice process for the upcoming exam is as follows:
Tier 1: UPSSSC PET Exam (aspirants must score minimum qualifying marks in the UPSSSC PET exam)
Tier 2: Mains Exam/Physical Test/Skill Test because the case could also be. After the completion of the two-tier examination, the commission will verify the specified documents of the candidates.
UPSSSC PET Exam 2021 Pattern
The exam pattern as per the web notification released for the UPSSSC PET Exam is as follows: Mode of Exam: The exam is going to be conducted in offline mode.
Type of Examination: It’ll be an Objective Type Questions Examination. Total Number of Questions: a complete of 100 questions are going to be asked within the exam.
The total duration of the exam: Total time allowed is going to be 2 hours.
Total Marks of PET Exam: It is a 100 marks examination.
Negative Marking: There’ll be a negative marking of 1/4th or 0.25 marks per question for each wrong answer.
UPSSSC PET Exam Marks Distribution Details The exam will comprise five sections: – Hindi – English – Maths – General Intelligence – General Knowledge *Each question are going to be of 1 mark.
UPSSSC PET Syllabus 2021
A. Indian History B. Indian National Movement C. Geography D. Indian Economy E. Indian Constitution and Public Administration F. General Science G. Elementary Arithmetics H. General Hindi I. General English J. Logic & Reasoning K. Current Affairs L. General Awareness
The UPSSSC PET Admit Card is going to get issued on the UPSSSC official website – The candidates applying for the exam must download it from the official website and take a printout of it. At the examination centres, they have to point out the text of the admit card.
Here are quick steps to download the UPSSSC PET Exam, Admit card:
Step 1: Visit the website
Step 2: Scroll down the website. Under the appliance Segment, click on “Examination Interview.”
Step 3: Click on “Download written exam admit card.”
Step 4: you’re required to enter some details like license number, DOB, Gender, and E-mail verification code. Continue with “Download admit card” and take a printout of it.
UPSSSC PET Answer Key 2021
The examination body generally releases the solution keys after the exams on the official website. This way, you’ll check your answers and calculate your overall score supported guidelines. Till then, you would like to attend for the cutoff to be announced.
Cut Off of UPSSSC PET Examination 2021
The UPSSSC cutoff varies from post to post. The candidates got to check the cutoff marks of the respective posts. Cutoffs are declared after the examinations. Just await the exam to urge over and check the cutoffs on the UPSSSC website of UPSSSC.
Preparation Tips for UPSSSC PET 2021
Let us find out some quick tips which will help you find out the preparation tips for UPSSSC PET 2021: – Go through the complete syllabus thoroughly and divide the topics as per their relevance. This way, you’ll be saving some time and energy to know the less relevant topics.
– Make a correct timetable. Divide some time into the topics to be covered. Brush up your concepts instead of cramming them.
– Solve UPSSSC PET past examination papers to know what quiet questions are asked within the exam.
– Do not take up new material or books within the end. It’ll only confuse you.
– Give mock tests and sample tests to realize confidence. This practice boosts your confidence and efficiency while attempting a particular paper. You’ll use online platforms like eVidya for the preparations.
eVidya is a One-Stop e-Coaching Platform (Web & App) and an Innovative Student Friendly Companion for Aspirants preparing for various Competitive Examinations like SSC, UPSC, Banking, Defence, etc. Let’s Crack Exams, with eVIDYA (App & Web). They are also offering free UPSSSC PET course for all PET candidates.