The SSC (Staff Selection Commission)  conducts  CGL (Combined graduate level) exam for recruiting employees to designations such as Income tax officer, inspector, audit officer, tax assistant etc. There are lakhs of candidates who sought after government jobs as they provide a lucrative vocation and several amenities. Those who have set their heart on becoming a government officer can prepare for the SSC CGL exam. This exam is conducted in four phases i.e. Tier I, Tier II, Tier III and Tier IV.

Many candidates perplex while preparing for government exams because they are oblivious to effective strategies. Maximum candidates rely on self study to qualify SSC CGL exam but availing coaching for it can serve them as cherry on cake. Interested candidates can approach a recognized institute that can provide them excellent  SSC CGL coaching in Delhi.

Here is a list of magical tips and tricks that can beef up your efficiency while preparing for SSC CGL exam:

  • Know the exam syllabus and exam pattern

The aspirants are recommended to gather the latest information regarding exam syllabus and exam pattern. Doing this can help them devise an effective study plan. To obtain reliable and latest information regarding exam aspirants can check the official website of SSC. Furthermore, the stages of exam are explained underneath:

Phase  Exam type Mode of Exam
Tier-I  Multiple choice Questions online
Tier-II Multiple choice Questions online
Tier-III Descriptive paper (Hindi or English) Offline ( pen or paper mode)
Tier-IV Skill test : CPT(Computer Proficiency test), DEST(Data Entry Speed Test) Wherever applicable ( it is not required for every post)

 Thus, aspirants need to qualify all the four phases for getting recruitment on desired post. 

  • Collect reliable study material

Candidates should avoid pilling up unnecessary study material as can result in wastage of time. There are various online portals that provide appropriate study material for SSC exam. Self-study is the best way to ace any government exam but some candidates need extra nourishment. They can approach the most esteemed institute that can provide the Best SSC coaching in Delhi.

  • Make effective study notes

The habit of preparing notes of various topics can help candidates to memorize difficult topics. Making notes can aid candidates in improving attention , focus and retention of topics. Furthermore, notes can help candidates in giving Bird’s eye view to various topics during the last hours of exam preparation.

  • Practice as many mock tests as you can

Practicing mock tests will help you in analyzing your speed and accuracy while answering several questions. You need to complete your exam in a limited span of time so solving mock tests will increase your speed for sure. Furthermore, it will aid in decreasing the risk of negative marking in  SSC exams.

  • Revise topics regularly

Revision is the most effective strategy to ace any government exam. Going through the learned topics again and again can help you retain them for a longer period of time. As the notes you made while preparing for the exam can further help in revising topics. Regular revision can help you attempt maximum questions in SSC CGL exam.

  • Keep yourself updated with current affairs

SSC CGL exam has a section of general awareness that tests your knowledge regarding current affairs. The best way to enhance your general knowledge is by reading newspapers, following reliable news channels or downloading current affair apps on smartphones. It is advisable to avoid cramming current affairs of the past six months during the last hours as it can lead to utter confusion.

Those who are preparing for SSC exam can join the most prestigious institute that can serve them the Best SSC coaching in Delhi.

  • Steer clear of distractions

Stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals. Smartphones have become part and parcel of every student’s life and they waste maximum time by scrolling various social media platforms. It is recommended to use smartphones only for the purpose of preparing for exams. Otherwise, students can entertain themselves by using social media during their leisure time.

  • Devise a fruitful time table

Making an effective time table can help you plan daily targets. It is advised to give equal importance to every section of the SSC exam and make a time table according to that.  Those who aim to clear the SSC exam in one fell swoop can make a suitable time table for preparation.

There are numerous candidates preparing for SSC exam, they can join a reputed institute that can give them the Best SSC coaching in Delhi.


The aforementioned handy tips can help aspirants to qualify SSC CGL exam in a single go. Aspirants are advised to prepare for the exam with determination and rigorous hard work. Moreover, they should keep their calm and remain motivated as that can amp up efficiency while exam preparation.