Tidelands is an Australian web television series. This series comprises of eight episodes, penned and created by Stephen M. Irwin and Leigh McGrath. Cal McTeer is a young lady who, after 10 years in juvenile detention, has arrived home to the fishing village of Orphelin Bay.
She discovers that it is encased in riddles upon returning to her hometown, the greatest of which is the group of outcasts living in a hidden pocket of the bay, the Tidelands. Get more information here.
Cast of Tidelands
- Charlotte Best as Calliope “Cal” McTeer
- Aaron Jakubenko as Augie McTeer
- Elsa Pataky as Adrielle Cuthbert
- Marco Pigossi as Dylan Seager
- Dalip Sondhi as Lamar Cloutier
- Richard Davies as Colton Raxter
- Jacek Koman as Gregori Stolin
- Mattias Inwood as Corey Welch
New updates about season 2
In season two, nine months after Netflix’s handover, Netflix’s Great Australian Heaven has yet to be restored. In any event, the deal is in an intermediate process, so we should ask ourselves if we can expect Tidelands for the second season. No claims have been made by Netflix about the second Tidelands period.
The recovery relies on the numbers of the revision and the ratings that Netflix does not open. Tidelands did receive surveys from conventional experts on the possibility of individuals meeting in Australia discovered by the program. This means that fans will be happy to receive a Season 2 for this series.
What can we expect from season 2 of Tidelands?
Tidelands tell the tale of Orphan Bay, invaded by a social event of vicious people, half-human and half-alarmed, by the Tidelands. The second Tidelands season starts at the end of the first season. At the end of the show, there was an average of five deaths: two or three main characters.
It seems that Cal McTeer could only end after Adrielle (Elsa Pataky) wounded his loved ones, Augie (Aaron Jakubenko) and romantic scheming Dylan (Marco Pigossi). Augie von Stolin was played by Adrielle and Augie (Jacek Koman). At the same time, Cal is alarming and a human, and perhaps the Tidelanders’ ruler in case Adrielle is hit.