If you are willing to give CISA exam then, you must know it is a four hour procedure that covers six different area of Information Technology and related Auditing. In this examination you will be asked over two hundred questions which needs to be answered, and one cannot even qualify for the exam without work experience either auditing or in the Infotech industry. Hence, CISA Course is making its demand among aspirants.

There are many valid reasons the CISA examination is so strenuous – with a field that is in continuous flux, such as Information Technology, it is necessary for a competent auditor to keep in touch with the advancing wave front of current technology, and not only technology, but it’s ethical and legal ramifications. The person must not only be familiar with the latest advances in technology – both hardware and software, but also know how those advancing technologies affect the fabric of society, and about laws passed to secure that society that may in turn have significant ramifications for the Infotech Industry.

One of the important areas covered by the CISA examinations, for example, is Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management. With the aid of significant project management tools efficient and accurate storage of data is ensured, and also conversion of data if necessary. Backup systems are monitored for current and regular data storage, and also for the integrity of any such data. Security and integrity of the data, and it’s proper documentation can prove to be crucial elements when it becomes necessary to restore operations via the backed up data, especially in the event of a catastrophic failure.

Remember that in any recovery plan there should be a definite schedule in which the recovery is to occur. Every hour that crucial data cannot be accessed is another hour that may affect the businesses’ profits and perhaps survival. A definite recovery strategy and even more definite recovery time frame are key.

Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management is just one of the areas covered by the CISA exam, of course, but the paragraphs above show in what detail each area is covered, and how crucial it can be to master these aspects of an evolving industry.