When trading a vehicle in Texas, it is essential to have the proper documentation. Buying a car is not just about getting the newest model and paying for it with your credit card. It includes a bill of sale. It’s also about knowing that you are not going to get ripped off by the seller. A bill of sale is part of this process because it gives both parties a way to prove who owns what after the transaction has completed. A bill of sale is not difficult to complete and can be done online with many websites that offer free templates for this document. It should include all the necessary information such as purchaser, seller, date and purchase price. When you buy a car in Texas, certain things should be included on your bill of sale so that everyone knows where they stand legally (and financially). If you are looking for more specific information on what should be included in a bill of sale template Texas, read on for more details!
- The bill of sale should list the buyer and seller, with their full names, addresses, phone numbers, and email address.
- It should also include a description or a serial number of what was purchased. If you’re buying more than one item from the same person at once (like if they have multiple items for sale), then it’s good to note this to know which parts are connected in case anything happens later on down the line.
- You’ll need proof of ownership – either an original title document showing that vehicle is yours in your name all by itself (no lienholder) OR signed over power of attorney from the owner giving permission to sell car/truck etc., plus required notarization.
- The bill of sale should include a line for the buyer to sign, saying, and “I hereby acknowledge receipt of this vehicle/equipment in good condition.” Basically, you’re acknowledging that you’ve received what promised, and no hidden costs are coming up later on down the road.
- You’ll need to pay sales tax at the time of purchase unless you have a resale certificate; if so, then it needs to be noted here as well with the date issued & expiration date listed on the document). If required, you can provide a resale certificate and bill of sale to the DMV to get your title turned over.
- You may also need proof that you’ve paid for insurance or received an insurance binder before driving off, so be sure to clarify this with the seller at the time of purchase.
- Bill should include any attachments such as titles, warranties, receipts etc., if applicable.
What Are Some Other Things That Should Include In A Bill Of Sale?
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
- Odometer Reading (Miles Driven): This figure shows on the odometer that records how many miles you have driven. The reading starts at 000000 and increases by one for each mile travelled until it reaches 999999. For example, if the vehicle has only used 500 miles, the number will add to 499500 after filling in on this form template. If two different owners are listed, both need to indicate their mileage separately; otherwise, enter 0 or leave blank.
- Purchase Price: The sale price of the car when purchased from an authorized dealership. Enter NA if not applicable
- Date Purchased: When did you purchase your vehicle?
- Date Sold: When did you sell your vehicle?
- Total Miles Driven: This is the total of miles driven by all registered owners. Enter NA if not applicable
If you need to purchase a car in Texas, you must know what information should include in the sale bill. This post has overviewed some items required when documenting this agreement; for more specific requirements or questions about the process. Please contact a local attorney specializing in real estate law and conveyance law or connect with Forms.legal and get your free bill of sale template texas at no cost today.