Essay writing services are common practices that involve helping learners understand the best way of juggling their academic work to remain successful and avoid the adverse effects of poor performance. In some colleges and universities, consistent scoring of low grades could lead to suspension or even expulsion depending on the academic policies of an institution. Hiring tutors to guide in the writing of academic papers is the best strategy that students are taking to ensure that they get good grades after the guidance and to increase their competence in writing such papers independently in the future.
Teachers and professors offer services in their respective fields based on the topic or subject presented by the students. In most cases, the learners are encouraged to use the tutoring approach where they submit their drafts. The professional writers perfect the submitted papers with a closer look at the grammar, writing style, and coherence of ideas.
Benefits of Seeking Inscription Services
Opposing forces: Are there benefits of seeking professional script services? This question has been asked by several scholars in the field of academia. Those opposed to the move argue that it makes learners lazy and too dependent. However, this argument is ill-informed considering that laziness is like an innate personality or a product of environmental influences. It, therefore, lacks a recognizable connection with inscription services.
Supporting arguments: Inscription services are beneficial due to some reasons:
- The proponents of scriptwriting services argue that the practice improves the learners’ competence considering that the students have a broad range of professionals to guide them in essay writing. Important to note is that the learners are guided to write and give several exercises to ensure that they master the inscription concepts.
2. Besides, seeking script services solves the different challenges that learners experience in the learning environment. For instance, having several students in the typical learning environment hinders instructor-student coaching and academic relationship effectiveness. Professors have challenges giving their learners due attention needed when they have several students to attend to in the classroom. In such cases, the learners need to look for extra coaching to master the concept within the syllabus. Thus, the services provided by the professional writers solve the challenges by ensuring that the students are guided on how to write the best essays by other professionals besides their course instructors.
Services Provided by Script Writing
The freelancers or the writing companies provide a myriad of essay writing services to increase the competence of the learners. The services providers guide the learners in:
· Essay formatting
· Sentence construction
· Appropriate word choices and wording processes
· Transition between paragraphs
· Starting the introduction
· Formation of the body
· Writing a brief but comprehensive conclusion
Writing an Academic Essay
What Is an Academic Essay?
· It is one of the structured forms of writing that high school, college, and university students write as part of their curricula.
· The essays’ purpose is to enable the use of existing facts to present specific ideas or present some new information pieces.
· Writing the information allows the learners to communicate a message while also encouraging them to develop their ideas in specific areas.
Features of An Essay
Inscription companies also train learners on features of an essay when guiding them on how to write an academic essay. Unlike other types of academic writing, essays are always shorter and present the authors’ opinion in supporting or opposing an issue of concern. An essay should have key features which include but are not limited to:
Concise: As a rule of thumb, essays should be short, ranging from 200 to 500, although some may be longer based on the content being written.
Topic-centered: An essay must have a topic that is narrowed down.
Well-structured text-They must have a clear format and a clear transition from one paragraph to another.
Acentral theme– An essay must deliver a theme that is always presented through different points supporting the authors’ arguments.
Factual- An essay presents an idea. Therefore, the author
Writing Essay Procedure
There are step-wise procedures that guide students on how to write an academic essay. The steps are:
Outline-A student or writer needs to develop an outline as the first step of writing an essay. The outline should contain:
Introduction: The general idea, supporting ideas, and thesis statement. The latter is the main message that the essay would communicate and, therefore, must be compelling and attractive to the reader.
Body points: These are subpoints that support the writers’ standpoint. The points should be spread in different paragraphs.
Connection: The writer needs to ensure that the points are tied to the aspects within the real world while refraining from digressing from the thesis. Thus, the points should support the thesis statement while at the same time being linked to real-world examples.
Summary: An outline must have points that would be written in the conclusion part of the essay. These points should highlight the major arguments presented in the essay.
Actual Writing: After developing an outline, the writer is at liberty to put the ideas on paper. There needs to be a clear format that should be followed when writing the essay. The essay format has the following components:
Introduction: In this section, students are expected to introduce the topic with general ideas concerning the theme. At this point, the background information about the topic or issue is provided, with few citations where necessary.
The introduction should have a hook such as statistics or a compelling statement that attracts and motivate the reader to read the whole paper.
The writers can also quote a creative and meaningful statement that would make the reader interested in understanding its background and the information surrounding the idea.
Moreover, the essay can start with a rhetorical question aimed at connecting with the audience.
Thesis Statement: Even though this statement is part of the introduction, it is always viewed as independent of the introduction.
It explains the major argument presented in an essay. The thesis statement should be developed during the outline design to ensure that the points to be included in the essay are aligned to it.
The thesis statement needs to be written appropriately to avoid discontentment and misalignment with the arguments presented in the body of the paper.
Main Body: This is the largest part of an essay, considering that it contains several paragraphs.
Each body paragraph should have a specified structure and format. Each paragraph must be introduced with an opening statement that contains the point of argument.
The opening statement must be followed by other supporting views, facts, and quotes, with citations of the sources from which the information is borrowed.
The last statement of the paragraph is the closing sentence which must summarize and conclude the points argued in the paragraph.
Each essay must have multiple paragraphs aligning to this structure.
This section summarizes the major points of the essay. The writer must first start by restating the thesis statement on the first sentence of the concluding paragraph.
This section of the essay is not cited but provides a summary of the points argued in the paper without providing details such as statistics that would warrant citations.
Lastly, the writer must provide the final statement that leaves the audience with something to consider or a take-home idea from the arguments presented.