Failure is the end of journey for many people. Most people don’t manage to go past it. Failure is inevitable if you are doing something new. Something that is beyond your comfort zone. And requires a lot of learning and persistence on your end.
But rather taking failure as a sign from God to stop. You can perceive it in a way that would help you get to your destiny quicker. Here are 4 ways you can use Failure to work in your favor.
Learn from Your Mistakes:
One of the most previous things about failure is that is brings a lot of lessons with it. Sadly, the longer you don’t learn from these lessons. You would keep on dealing with the same kind of results, people and circumstances that you are trying to escape. So learning from failure is a crucial step in any journey that is meant to be completed.
Failure Means you are Trying:
It’s hard to judge someone on the basis of what they’re saying. But actions never lie.One of the best ways to tell if someone is striving towards betterment or a goal. It is to look at their failures. When someone is making new failures and mistakes every now and then. It is safe to say that he is on a journey to something new and better. Because you only learn when you are making mistakes.
The Perception of Failure:
One of the less talked about things is the perception we take from failure. Most often failure is referred to as something that puts an end to journey. Something that is fatal and final and we would never be able to recover from it. In reality, failure cannot be far from it. Failure is just an event not a destination. The decision to give up and stop trying is what makes you a failure .
You can try go as far as you like. As far as you do not give up. You are have not failed and you are not a failure. Most of the times it is just really hard to find the reason why you should not give up. Knowing why you are doing something is the core of what makes people go in to action. The more you know your reasons.
And the stronger your reasons are, you wold be able to go through tougher scenarios in your life and journey. Whatever you perceive, would ultimately dictate the outcomes in your life. But most people like to blame stuff on the circumstances. Something they can’t control.
The strange thing about such kind of people is that they would try their best to blame whatever went wrong on conditions beyond their control. But whatever positive happens in their life. They are more than happy to take the credit for it. Which gives rise to yet another argument.
The argument of hard work vs smart work and luck. But whatever might be into play in actuality. I think everyone can agree that you need a pinch of all 3 of these things to get the wheels moving.