The outbreak of the pandemic was unexpected by all industries and its effects were unthinkable even till 2019. The coronavirus has affected the entire world and has brought the hospitality industry to a complete standstill. Global travel restrictions and internal lockdowns of every state and nation further broke down this industry that thrives completely on providing its guests a happy and safe environment. Thus, any future graduates from a bachelor of hotel management colleges in Lucknow or the bachelor of hotel management colleges in UP are bound to wonder if this industry will even be around when they graduate.

The immense impact of the pandemic on the hospitality industry

As per the World Trade Organization, the overall decline in world trade in 2020 was from 13 to 32% for various nations. Coronavirus affected normal lives and general economic activity, unlike any other calamity the world has ever seen to date. While there were around 75 million job losses across the globe that also will affect international tourist flows for a few years to come. Any graduate from the various bachelor of hotel management colleges in Lucknow or the bachelor of hotel management colleges in UP has borne the brunt of the virus. But due to the relevance of this industry, it is expected to recover the fastest as people try to go back to normal.

The future of the hospitality industry

Any aspirant to the bachelor of hotel management colleges in Lucknow or the bachelor of hotel management colleges in UP needs to understand that the industry is now at a turning point. The corona pandemic could be the reset button that the industry required for a long time but could never implement. Several technological and digitalization trends ranging from augmented reality, virtual reality, robotization, and other touchless solutions will turn this industry completely. This is the perfect opportunity for any young graduate to come up with innovative solutions for the industry in general and earn name and fame easily.

The advent of the virus has brought more focus on safer travel and better hygiene requirements. These factors will result in a better customer experience that graduates from the bachelor of hotel management colleges in Lucknow need to tap into. The world is now increasingly connected by handheld devices that present young graduates with unexplored and unchartered territories to engage with their customers. Utilizing the power of technology through innovative ways to enjoy shall need to be explored by graduates from the bachelor of hotel management colleges in UP to advance this industry further.


It is no secret that the hospitality industry was ravaged by the pandemic but it also is one industry that is bound to revive quickly. The way ahead for graduates from any of the bachelor of hotel management colleges in UP is to advance technological innovations to connect with their customers. The moon is no longer the limit but only the next ultimate destination for weekend travel that needs to be explored further by graduates from the bachelor of hotel management colleges in Lucknow