The knife dates back to around 5000 BC when it was used as a small weapon. But a more recent version of it wasn’t made until around 3000 BC in the Near East region. At that point, the blade of a knife simply became a lot smaller and easier to take with you. Since then, the pocket knife has been a much-loved tool, especially in America. It is a folding knife and has one or more blades that can be folded into the handle and locked into position. Most of them were designed to cut materials like rope and paper and they do not have any extra tools other than the blade. They can be used as weapons, tools to process food, and other purposes.
Historically, The Pocket Knife Has Followed The Following Path:
Pocket knives have been around for over 300 years. Their first documented use was by Native Americans in New York. They used them for hunting and other purposes.
The first pocket knife was designed in 1792. It was developed by Jean Pichard in Sheffield, England. He developed the ‘dress blade’ which has no locking mechanism and was meant to be carried in a pocket. The blades were still made of steel, but they were often thinner than those used now, as they were thought to be more brittle.
In 1840, William Russell started making pocket knives as a business in New York City. Also in 1840, a pocket knife was patented by William Kell of New York. In 1845, the American Pocket Knife Company became a major company that produced more of the first pocket knives. They had a factory in New York and sold their products from direct sales from their commercial branch to stores.
In 1871, Ezra Warner developed a keyless lock to fit around the back of the blade so that it does not have to be opened with a thumb or finger cut.
Types Of Pocket Knives And Their Features
If you’re interested in knives, We’ve got a great introduction about the different types of pocket knives available on the market, what makes them different from one another, and why every knife lover needs to have more than just one. There are some surprises too!
Knives are an absolutely essential part of any household or outdoor survival kit. They can be used for cutting food, starting fires, removing splinters… and they can also be used as a weapon, as we’ve seen so many times in the past. The main purpose of a knife is to make any task that requires force and strength easier – and without it we’d be stuck using our bare hands.
- Pocket knives can have one blade, or they can have several. In the United States, blades that are two inches or shorter are actually classified as folders, but if they’re longer than that, they’re considered fixed blade knives. This means you’ll have to carry them around in a sheath.
- Blades with a drop-point tip are the standard in pocket knives and come in very handy for any task you throw at them. They’re also pretty versatile.
- Pocket knives usually don’t have locking mechanisms, but the blades are sharpened in such a way that they can be kept in place by tightening the screws. You usually use one hand to open it and the other to keep the blade in place while you’re using it.
- Some pocket knives also come with an additional tool, like scissors or a corkscrew, along with the sharp blade.
Pocket Knives-The Most Versatile Tool
A pocket knife is one of the most versatile tools in existence. A folder, or an army knife, is an invaluable tool to have when you don’t want to lug around a bunch of equipment. There are plenty of everyday jobs for which they’re perfect—opening packages, cutting fabric, whittling sticks—and they make light work out of all sorts of other projects that might otherwise be time-consuming or difficult. Here are some of the more surprising things you can use a pocket knife for.
- You can use a pocket knife to crack safes. Crack the safe open by dulling the lock with a blade, inserting a small pin inside it, and using the weight of the gun to turn it while you hammer at it with a steel crowbar. A combination or master key can be used to force safe doors open, but this is often easier and less expensive than the alternative…doing it the hard way.
- Use a pocket knife to pry valuable items out of the rubble. As soon as it becomes apparent that your house is about to be destroyed by an explosion or natural disaster, save yourself and your family by removing all of your valuables and putting them in a safe place that won’t get hit by the destruction. If you’re inside, doing this will give you a lot more time to hide and survive until rescue arrives.
- Also use a folding knife as a weapon. The knife is capable of inflicting serious damage. You can use it for self defense in order to save your life from a sudden attack or accident. It is considered as an easy-to-use life-saving tool nowadays.
Essential Part Of Outdoor Survival Kit
Pocket knives are an essential part of most people’s carry gear. You can cut things, open packages, or even defend yourself with one if the need arises. The knife used to be a must-have for everyone when it came to daily life-but these days, you’ll find that it’s mainly used for survival or self defense situations.