Virtual classrooms are a new reality. Given the ongoing scenario and the uncertainty in the sector, the four-walled classroom will not resume anytime soon. Though the charm of physical classes remains irreplaceable, for example, the joy of camaraderie, lunch breaks, and games periods, some of the conventional practices ingrained in the sector were redundant, making the present-day education system passé.
COVID-19 has been a stark reminder to the fraternity to give up on old practices and adopt a means that will stand the test of time. For example, mere online learning is not enough to train students in future skills; it just remains a means to connect students with the teachers. Student skill enhancement, personality development, and social and emotional needs have been ignored in a remote setup. However, if not online, what learning should a school opt for to outshine and help students realise their best potential? The best virtual classroom allows teachers with enough resources to teach from, allows students to get their doubts solved in real-time, gives them an option to study from various resources beyond their textbooks, and keeps parents in the loop of their child’s performance. This is not it. The best type of virtual learning also allows school owners to run their school whenever it’s possible, and for the days it’s not, they can switch to online mode and conduct seamless classes remotely along with carrying daily functions effortlessly. These classrooms are supported by the school LMS platform that is a one-stop for the entire academic need of a child. Whether it’s accessing the world-class curriculum or seeking remedial sessions from teachers, this platform enables all.
Let’s look at some of the benefits that virtual classroom offers:
- Access to coursework from anywhere at any time
- Effective time management
- Asynchronous discussions with peers
- Enlarged point of view on things/subjects
- Sharpened digital skills
- Customised form of learning
- Enhancement in learning experiences through visualisation
The past, present and the future of the education sector
We are at a juncture where long articles or advertisements are not required anymore to convince school owners to adopt the technology within the school premises or request parents to allow their children to learn smartly. The present-day scenario is a loud shout to the dire need for evolution needed in the sector. Anything that is “good enough” will not suffice. The only way forward is to use the right technology, train teachers with the right skills to help them navigate the curriculum seamlessly, and allow students to grow holistically with the world-class curriculum.
The loss that the education sector witnessed due to the crisis remains incalculable. Education Ministries around the world did act swiftly, but most of their efforts didn’t help in mitigating the learning loss. The Virtual classroom supported by the school LMS platform is the dawn to help save the industry from any further plunge. It has proven effective—from taking care of how education is being delivered to a child to helping school authorities run a school smoothly. However, as the future remains uncertain, the onus lies with the school authorities to make their system resilient that will help them stand the test of time.
According to Purdue University, “Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways for people to learn and work together.”