Have you ever had a moment where you stood in front of the mirror to check your appearance, and you admired your sparkling yet wise eyes, the glistening smile, and perfect hair? Meanwhile, as your eyes wander down your neck, you get startled by the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over there? When and how did that happen?

What used to be a concern for women well over their 40s is now troubling women in their 20- somethings. Now, the best skincare search doesn’t end at the “best face patches for wrinkles.” “Best product for neck wrinkles” is now taking up a substantial part of the beauty search space.

Know The Fine Line Facts About Tech Neck

The condition of tech neck plaguing the modern generation refers to pain and wrinkles that appear in our neck area due to the constant craning of our neck for using phones, laptops, and gadgets that deepen the crease in the neck and chest area over time.

If you still think it’s a made-up condition, we can assure you that it’s absolutely real. With the search peaking in 2021, a study revealed that 31 percent of Americans feel anxious without their phones. What’s even stranger is that the same survey revealed that 33 percent of the respondents are willing to give up sex than go without their phones for 24 hours. The prevalence of technology that has made smartphones basically as vital as a body organ is responsible for the ‘hunched-over scenario leading to tech necklines.

So, does that mean we should throw away our phones? Absolutely not!

You are a modern human leading a busy life while juggling socializing and your career amidst the quarantine chaos. Dialing down the screentime is definitely one of the effective measures to stop the appearance of any more neck creases. However, if you would like to do something about those that are already there (regardless of your gender), here’s what you can do:


Take appropriate breaks from your screen time and do some neck stretches and rolls. Look side-to-side, up and down, stretch and hold sideways for a few counts and resume your day. Specific yoga postures and core exercises prove highly effective to get rid of neck wrinkles:
➔Cobra stretch
➔Upward dog
➔Baby cobra


Massage and exfoliation are not just beneficial for your face. Besides, your skincare routine should never end at your jawline. Include your neck in every part of your skincare–whether it’s serum application or moisturizing your face. Choose a gentle exfoliant or a mild scrub to slowly scrub off the dead skin lines and reduce the fine lines.


Get rid of the banana back and remind yourself to correct your posture. Incorporate a sit-stand desk for your WFH hours.


Water provides the much-needed hydration that leads to gorgeous, plump skin. Set a reminder on your phone to drink ample water to maintain the elasticity and hydration of your skin.


Silicone patch is the best product for neck wrinkles. The intense targeted therapy proves to be highly effective while giving the skin cells the desirable environment to raise collagen levels to combat the lines.

So, chin up! All you need to do is be mindful and guard your skincare kit with the highest quality silicone-based face and neck patches.