This month, steer clear of new business agreements. Those involved in joint ventures could see good progress. Merchants can look forward to more sales and profits from trade. The employed may have a heavy workload. Use our Tamil Jathagam Porutham calculator to find out the compatibility between the groom and the bride.
Love and Relationships
Lovers may have a fun time by going for a picnic. Marriage alliances may be finalized for some natives. Marital relationships may see better intimacy. Avoid arguments with older siblings as it may spoil the rapport with them.
Good profits may come from new investments. There could be gains from the purchase of land or a house. Your life partner may have a role in improving your finances. Those working for the government may earn more income. Expenses may arise due to the purchase of utility items. Some may avail of loans. Ensure that your accounts are maintained properly.
Government employees may get promoted at work. Those working for private companies, too, may see their income increase. Those who are seeking jobs abroad may succeed now. It is a good time especially for those working in the field of finance, in terms of making gains.
Those involved in joint ventures may prosper, especially if they are doing travel-related business. It is a good time for the travel and tourism industry, so those who are part of it stand to make handsome profits. Trading in shares too will be profitable.
If you are in the fields of Medicine or IT, you may perform very well now. Those in the legal field, too, may make good gains. Architects may get some job offers from abroad.
Major health problems are not likely, but it is better not to take chances. Stomach ailments are possible, so follow a proper diet. Eat more fiber, as you may suffer from constipation.
A promising month for school students who will feel more relaxed and confident. Research scholars will do well in their research, and get a job offer abroad. Postgraduate students will also be successful in their academic pursuits.