Lord Ganesha is also known as Ganapati and the name Ganapati is mainly used in Maharashtra. When Ganpati ji is installed on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi, then exactly 9 days later, with great fanfare, the idol of Lord Ganesha is immersed in water, this tradition is going on for many years all over India.

we have given download link of sukhkarta dukhharta lyrics in hindi pdf Ganesha, also spelled Ganesh, also called Ganapati, elephant-headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors.

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated mainly in India in Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Gujarat Rajasthan Goa Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Telangana Tamil Nadu Kerala West Bengal Orissa.

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