Are you looking for some great ideas for your outdoors that will last for years to come? These 5 inspiring ideas are great for people who are looking to overhaul their outdoor landscape and make it into something fabulous.

1.Mow the lawn

Before you plan on doing any major changes, take a good look at your lawn. How does it look? Is the grass alright and levelled? If it is, you are on the right track. If it isn’t, take this opportunity to redesign your garden into something else. Change its shape. Remember that it doesn’t always have to be a perfect rectangle. In fact, it doesn’t need to be a rectangle at all. You can try different shapes to suit your taste. But be very careful if you plan on doing so because once you start cutting, there is no turning back.

2.Plant Plants

A garden will look much better with perfectly placed plants. So here is something for you to chew on. To make borders, always use evergreen shrubs. Combine both small and large shrubs to give a more natural look to your garden. For small shrubs, you can use box balls and for larger areas, you can use Mahonia. This is called framing your garden. Once you have done that, fill the frame with beautiful flowering plants. Just don’t overdo it. Keep it simple with just 5 to 6 different types of plants. The key is to arrange them in patterns for achieving harmony between the different colours and designs.

3.Trees for Architecture

Trees can give a mature look to your garden. They are great for providing tile install shade and can be used to hang decorative lights. If there is an unattractive part of the garden that you just can’t do away with, trees can provide a solid camouflage. Trees also help to filter dust and noise pollution if you are located in a busy area. Besides if you care about your environment, there is nothing better than planting trees.

Trees are the basic architecture of a garden. You can plant trees of various shapes and sizes. You are only limited by your imagination when planting trees so let it run wild. You can go from small cherry trees to huge birch for much larger spaces.


Pavements add definition to your garden. The way your garden pavements are laid tells a lot about the place. It is better to install the pavements first as they will provide you with a definite direction for designing your garden. For example, golden stone pavements encourage an English countryside look while black and silver pavements offer a more modern and sleek scheme.

5.Create Different Levels

Your garden will look a lot better if it has different levels. Different levels give your garden a flow from one place to another. For example, you can easily connect the lower patio to the terrace above by installing some steps and making the level a little bit higher than the rest of the garden. Add in some garden chairs and tables to make it look more inviting.

Final Words

These were some ideas we believe will inspire you to get creative while planning for your garden. If you are planning on installing tiles on your outdoor patio, check here for budget floor tiles in the UK.