The iPhone app developers have created an app that lets you download and hear an actual phone ring in full effect, even if you don’t have an iPhone or own one of the more popular devices. IPhone is capable of emulating a wide range of sounds, including popular musical tones that many people know. To use the sonnerie telephone, you need to have the latest version of the Freezy phone from Greenify, a free software development platform.
Designed for the Apple iPhone, this app lets you choose from thousands of sound effects and ringtones to ring tones, from the familiar phone ring to annoying buzzwords, to melodious tones complete with instrumentals. With such a variety of ringtones currently available for cell phones, the traditional phone ring is no longer so rare! You can even choose from startup sound effects, which will mimic the action of a typical vibrating phone keypad. Also, if you have an iPhone, you can use the ringtone feature to customize your virtual phone ringtone.
The app works by letting you tap directly into your iOS, or your cell phone, then select the listen icon. Once you’ve done that, a new ringtone option will appear among you. In order to change your default ring, just go to the Customize tab and select a different ringtone sound effect! The Customize option also allows you to choose a different sound effect for incoming or outgoing text messages, incoming and outgoing calls, or both!