Finding your property line can be challenging for both old and new homeowners. However, homeowners must survey and mark their property line. For instance, you are on the verge of fencing your apartment or even adding a swimming pool to your home. These examples and many other desirable constructions may be stalled if you do not know your property line. Hence, it is vital to know the extent of your property to avoid boundary disputes with your neighbors.
Getting one’s property line should not be so challenging. Hence, the points discussed below will help you access the legal survey of your property line.
Check Home Property Documents
Homeowners need not be engaged in a dispute over their property line when they have a property line map called a plat. The plat is a legal document that is collected after purchasing a home.It contains the complete legal description of the property you acquired. Some of the details you will find in it are specific to the time you got the property. These details include the complete land measurement, the shape of the land, the location of the land, and surrounding areas.
Another document where you can find your property line is the land deed.You can obtain the land deed from the local county recorder office. However, you have to pay for it.Similar to land deeds are property surveys.They are also public documents that contain the property line of land assets. You can get the property survey document from the mortgage company that helped you acquire your property or from the local county recorder office.
Look for Land Markings
While building, contractors use iron bars or woods called survey pins to mark the boundaries between properties.But over time, the survey stakes are buried below the earth’s surface. Finding these survey pins can be challenging, but it is one of the most accurate ways to determine property lines. The reason they are accurate is that builders take proper caution while marking lands and documenting them.
An alternative to survey pinsis property line markers, especially those made out of concrete. They use them in road surveys to position street lights and the spaces between sidewalks. They can also be used as a reference to property lines.However, they are not the accurate means of finding property lines.
Lookup the Internet
Thanks to the internet, it is now effortless and fast to check where your property line is located. The advent of government official websites for Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which contains property line maps, has made accessing your property line easy. All you need to do is to access the government’s website and input your home address.
The GIS will load up all the necessary information concerning your property line map, including your property line. Although not all counties or states have this innovation set up yet, private navigation websites can be of help. An example is the Google Maps application. It can show the boundaries between your property and your neighbors’.
Final Thoughts
Knowing where your property line lies is very important to avoid disputes with your neighbors. If care is not taken, it could lead to the demolition of an already finished structure.But with the simple steps discussed above, you will be able to recover your property line. Or you can get a well-trained surveyor to help prepare your site by updating your boundary lines.