Players of World of Warcraft Classic have seriously discussed in the gaming community what changes the release of Burning Crusade will bring about the game. One thing that can be confirmed is that the player community will definitely split, because most players obviously prefer WOW TBC Classic, and this expansion makes them impressed with the game. Other players know very well that their purpose of playing World of Warcraft Classic is to get a nostalgic gaming experience. Only WOW Classic can give them the feeling they felt when they played the game for the first time in 2004.

I’m addressing the second group here. Those progressing to The Burning Crusade Classic is going to be served for many years, with Wrath on the Lich King as well as other early expansions prone to get their own Classic remakes. Maybe we do not bother with Cataclysm? Just a thought.

So, what goes on to the vanilla servers when Burning Crusade Classic arrives? Currently, Classic is in serious chance stagnating. There’s only much that Blizzard are able to do to entice casual players who jumped in on the first day to stick around, create TBC Classic Gold alts, and continue raiding. WoW Classic isn’t created to sustain players for multiple years – you’re designed to power through, raid til you have the best gear, then wait for a new expansion into the future along… like The Burning Crusade.

With many players congregating around endgame areas, the rest on the map is left mostly empty. However, a considerable community of players has taken matters into a unique hands through an initiative called The Fresh Crusade. Rather than wait for The Burning Crusade, or take place in a perennial endgame state, The Fresh Crusade simply jumps in a low population server all at one time with new characters, effectively starting your journey all over again. Suddenly, those empty early zones are freshly populated, all on the content is being played again, and the ones are having fun. Over 10,000 people, to be precise.

It’s a beautifully simple technique of breathing new life into Classic without tarnishing the promise of vanilla WoW. So why not get this an official, regular thing? The idea of seasonal progression is hardly new, and Blizzard has form in this particular department with Diablo III to use 23rd season before writing. It’s clear that fans with the hit action-RPG actually quite like your way from 1-70 and beyond, and they are happy to take action over and over again. The same perform wonders for WoW Classic’s hardcore playerbase.

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