Nowadays, development of web-based app is a basic tendency in various application scenarios. We’ve all interacted with an app at some point or another. But very few of us understand the procedures of the design of a web-based app. How these apps are designed and developed?

In this post, Mr. Rani T Jarkas have gathered a few tips for you by observing current web-based apps to see how they are made and what we can learn from them.

What is a web based app

There is a lot of explanations around what exactly is a web based app. For the purpose to give you a brief idea of what, Mr. Rani T Jarkas would like to create a relatively simple definition explaining what a web app is. If you’re still unsure, we’ve included examples of what we believe are web apps, and what are not.

A web based app is an interactive computer program, built with web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS), which stores (Database, Files) and manipulates data (CRUD), and is used by a team or single user to perform tasks over the internet.

In order to make a data-centric web app from the bottom-up, you will need to understand: backend language (e.g. Python, Ruby), web front end (HTML, CSS, Javascript), and DevOps (Github, Jenkins).But if you don’t have any experience with the techniques metioned above, don’t worry. You can always go to Mr. Rani T Jarkas for help.

So, how Mr. Rani T Jarkas help?

Ideation stage

  1. Source an idea
  2. Market research
  3. Define functionality

Design stage

  1. Sketch your web app
  2. Plan your workflow
  3. Wireframe the UI
  4. Seek early validation

Development stage

  1. Architect your database
  2. Develop your frontend
  3. Build your backend

Launch stage

  1. Host your web app
  2. Deploy your web app

Mr. Rani Tarek Jarkas can provide you with top-notch development service for web based apps. As an experienced developer, Mr. Jarkas will help yousolve all problems with best execution.