Powerful Prayer Point On Dream
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May Every Evil Dream Belong To Your Enemies And it’s Interpretation To Them That Hate You.
Pray these prayers regularly and daily for 40 days to destroy the Strongholds of evil and wicked dreams.
1.Father I thank You for Your plans and purpose for my life and destiny in Jesus name.
2.Lord, I thank You for the grace and the ability You have given to me to dream and receive visions of the night.
3.Lord, I thank You for his precious gift of dreams of my life and destiny. I bless Your most Holy Name.
4.Father, Your Word says that when I lie down, I shall not be afraid and my sleep shall be sweet. (Prov. 3v24). Therefore, I pray that everyday of my life, my sleep shall be sweet and blessed in Jesus name.
Read Also: Christian Dream Dictionary, Prayer Points.
5.I receive the grace and ability to sleep and wake up in Jesus name. I rebuke every spirit of sleeplessness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
6. I reject and rebuke every spirit of fear sent to me during my sleep in Jesus name.
7. Lord, as I lie down everyday to sleep, I shut the gates and doors of my sleep and dreams against the devil in Jesus name.
8. I restrict and forbid evil movements of wicked spirits that manipulate and influence my dreams negatively. Jesus Christ says “in my Name, you shall cast out the devil.” In the most potent and powerful name of Jesus Christ, I cast out every demonic and evil spirit sent on assignment to frustrate my life through evil dreams and evil actions.
9. Two cannot walk together unless they agree (Amos 3v3), therefore I disconnect myself from wicked spiritual personalities of evil dreams and covenants in Jesus name.
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10. I sanctify everywhere and every place I lie down to sleep with the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
11. I sanctify every material I lie down to sleep upon with the blood of Jesus Christ. 12. As I lie down to sleep, let the light of the Almighty God overshadow me and destroy every darkness around me in Jesus name.
13. All generational, ancestral and family strongholds, covenants and evil influences of my maternal and paternal lineage which are frustrating my star, destiny and purpose in life through evil dreams, I command now, let the fire of the Holy Spirit torment and destroy you now out of my life in Jesus name.
14. I release the fire of God to burn every ancestral or generational material or connection to evil dreams in my life in Jesus name.
15. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I break every covenant and agreement of evil.
16. I overcome family and ancestral powers and evil by the blood of Jesus Christ.
17. I cover my mind with the blood of Jesus Christ. I forbid every negative and demonic influence over my mind. I declare that I have the mind of Christ in Jesus name.
18. In the name of Jesus Christ, I forbid and render powerless, any evil spirit sent to work against my mind and prepare it for evil dream.
19. I free my mind from evil thoughts, imagination and words sent to attack my mind in preparation for evil dreams in Jesus name.
20. I pull down every stronghold created in my mind for evil dreams in Jesus name. I cover my mind with the blood of Jesus Christ.