Back Pain Relief Through Physical Therapy
Physical therapy has been used for a long time to help patients with different types of conditions. These include lower back pain, neck pain, and back pain due to sciatica. In the last few years, manual therapy has become increasingly popular for treating these problems. The rising popularity of manual therapy is likely due to the fact that it is a much cheaper alternative than taking expensive pain medications or even having surgery.
A physical therapist will provide patients with rehabilitation and treatment that helps them regain strength and mobility. After being injured or having a traumatic experience, most people cannot physically move as much as they once could. As a result, they are at a greater risk of suffering further injuries. However, if they use physical therapy to recover from their injury, they can begin to move more easily and in some cases return to their normal daily activities.
A physical therapist provides different kinds of therapy for different back pain conditions. If the patient is suffering from lower back pain, they will most likely benefit from manual therapy to help stretch and strengthen the muscles in this area. Other times, they may be referred to an osteopathic therapist who can prescribe exercise to improve bone density and strengthen the joints.
A physical therapist is also trained to perform massage therapy. This type of therapy is beneficial for those patients who have muscle tension and soreness and want to reduce their level of discomfort. Massage therapy is often used to relax sore muscles and increase range of motion. Some therapists incorporate chiropractic care into their practice and work with patients who have pinched nerves. This helps to increase circulation and relieve muscle tension. For many patients, manual therapy is all they need to feel better.
If a patient is suffering from more severe back pain, they may require spinal manipulation or traction. While this is not a form of physical therapy, it is still used by some therapists because it does help to align the spine. When the spine is aligned properly, it is less likely to be injured. Spinal manipulation and traction are often used when physical therapy is not an option.
Anyone who suffers from back pain should talk to a doctor before considering any alternative treatment. Physical therapy is always an option and should be considered if at all possible. In some cases, it may be all that is needed to achieve back pain relief.