What is pelvic pain?
Pelvic pain is the condition in which someone experiences mild to severe pain in the area between the lower abdomen and pelvis. This pain can vary from acute to chronic. Sometimes this condition can be related to some other medical condition. Upon treating the medical condition, pelvic pain will be eliminated spontaneously.
But this is not the case with each session of pelvic pain. There are numerous reasons for it.
Several pelvic conditions can be a symptom of PID, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Below given are some symptoms of PID
- Mild to severe pain in the lower abdomen region.
- Blood or any discomfort during urination.
- Pain at the time of intercourse.
- Unusual vaginal discharge {with or without odor}
- Fever
These symptoms require medical diagnosis and the intervention of a doctor to treat the condition.
This painful condition is tied to multiple reasons. It can be caused by menstrual cramps, gastric issues, and other problems of the pelvic area. Pelvic pain can be a sign of something disastrous with the organs in that area or just common problems like gastrointestinal/menstrual/IBS.
These are some common causes related to pelvic conditions.
- Endometriosis
- Musculoskeletal problems
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome {IBS}
- Painful Bladder Syndrome {PBS}
- Ovulation
- Fibroids
- Sports injury related to the pelvic floor & many other causes.
What contribution does Physical therapy offer to pelvic conditions?
To understand it scientifically, first understand the pelvic floor functioning. Pelvic floor contains muscles, ligaments, nerves, and tissues. These muscles are responsible for giving support to all pelvic organs. Proper functioning of pelvic organs depends on Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFMs). It is important for the smooth working of the bladder, uterus, intestines, and continence. It also plays a vital role in the sexual life and the birth of a baby.
Physical therapy helps in strengthening the pelvic muscles and vanishes embarrassing and problematic symptoms like incontinence. Incontinence is a condition of urine leaking while performing reflex actions like cough, sneeze, and laugh. When we cough/laugh/sneeze, intra-abdominal pressure is applied on the pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) and urine is leaked out of the urethra.
Women facing certain conditions like endometriosis, infertility, and related problems and males experiencing painful urination, ejaculation, and premature ejaculation should immediately take the help of pelvic physical therapies.
Different techniques of pelvic physical therapy
Pelvic rehabilitation plays a major role in overcoming painful and discomforting pelvic issues.
Pelvic rehabilitation is a type of physical therapy used for treating pelvic problems. A physical therapist uses different techniques for determining the cause of the problem than planning a treatment targeting the pelvic disorders. Here are some major and common techniques to give you a hint of working of pelvic physical therapy or pelvic rehab :
- Teach the patient: through this patients are given knowledge about their own pelvic anatomy and some suggestions like hygiene to adopt in life to reduce symptoms.
- Manipulation therapy: this technique targets posture and blood circulation problems by using hands-on massage and stretching.
- Electric stimulation: this is used for strengthening weak muscles and making their pain and spasm-free.
- Pelvic floor exercises: these exercises target the muscles involved in urine leakage and bowel movements. It helps them to function normally. Some PFEs are Kegel, Squats etc.
- Biofeedback: the technique lets the therapist know what’s going on inside i.e. monitoring the working of PFMs {when you’re at rest and work like exercising or moving} through the insertion of a probe. The probe is inserted in the women’s vagina and men’s anus.
- Instructions for home: physical therapists instruct the patient about habits like diet modification, home exercise routine, and stress control through any method the patient prefers.
How to prevent chronic pelvic conditions?
An unhealthy lifestyle has increased the chances of getting pelvic disorders. Welcoming good habits and giving them their deserving space will protect you from pelvic disorders. Given below are some constructive tips to protect yourselves from any Pelvic Disorder
- Maintain a healthy weight
Well-maintained body weight is recommended for all. But people with Pelvic floor disorders should keep an extra eye on their weight. Excess weight puts too much pressure on the pelvic floor organs preventing them to function at an optimum level.
Overweight can lead to developing pelvic disorders and worsen the already existing issues.
- Pelvic floor exercises
Exercising plays a vital role in everyone’s life yet it is ignored. People suffering from pelvic disorders should focus on the exercises that will make the pelvic muscles strong.
If facing any issues or discomfort during exercise, modify it accordingly. Don’t put pressure on the affected muscles.
- Stay away from constipation
Constipation also plays a major role in worsening the pelvic condition. Constipation leads to straining which puts immense pressure on the pelvic muscles. Ultimately it will lead to pelvic dysfunction, organ prolapse.
Drink enough water, exercise on a regular basis, and keep a check on your food intake. Maybe you are not taking enough fibers, essential for good digestion.
Pelvic Dysfunction is a serious matter which needs experts to intervene. Contact a certified physical therapist immediately as prolonged issues will create infection and other hard-to-cure diseases.
The above article is dedicated to both men and women. Myths say only women have issues with pelvic floor, which is untrue. But women are more prone to pelvic disorders than men.
Take good care of yourself, eat well and exercise well.