Open best science videos was born from the new opportunities offered by the digital revolution in terms of sharing and dissemination of scientific content. It consists first of all in making research results accessible to all, by removing the technical or financial barriers that hinder access to scientific publications. It also consists of opening the researcher’s black box by sharing as much as possible the data and methods underlying the publications.
The choice of open science first of all amounts to affirming that research mainly financed by public funds must return its results to the public as widely as possible. It also draws on the observation that openness is the guarantee of better documented and more substantiated research, and that sharing strengthens the cumulative nature of science and promotes its progress. Open and transparent science also helps to increase the credibility of research in society, an issue that the 2020 health crisis has reminded us of all the importance of. Lastly, it is the bearer of a deep movement to democratize knowledge for the benefit of organizations, businesses, citizens, and particularly students, for whom easy access to knowledge is a condition for success.
Open science policies are now brought to the highest level by the European Union, which, since 2012, has made its support for scientific research conditional on the opening of publications, and by major research organizations around the world, such as the National Institutes of Health in the United States. In France, the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Frédérique Vidal launched in 2018 an ambitious National Plan for Open Science, which has since been embodied in multiple initiatives.
Ultimately, it is the researchers who, through their commitments and their practices, embody and bring open science to life. When you start preparing for your doctorate, the last step in your training course and the first step in your professional life, it is therefore up to you to implement these principles.
The Passport to Open Science is a guide designed to accompany you at every stage of your research journey, from the development of your scientific approach to the dissemination of its results. It offers you a series of good practices and tools that can be directly activated and it is aimed at all disciplinary fields.
We hope that it will give you the desire and the means to realize the ambitions of open best science videos, by sharing the results and data of the research you are going to conduct with as many people as possible.