65% less
22% less
60% more.
If you were asked to take a wild guess and figure out what these figures exactly stand for, what would you think? Well, considering you’re reading a blog about fast food you’d definitely think in terms of ingredients/health chart of something. Things like calories, iodine, fat, trans fat etc. might be going through your head right now. When it comes to things like diet snacks or low-fat snacks, these are figures anyone looking to buy something like that would be looking for. Well, without further ado, let’s solve the mystery of these figures for you:
65% less fat
22% less calories
60% more chips.
Wondering what this means? These are the figures gathered from testing 100gms of WhyFryy potato chips against a regular potato chip commonly available in the market. But what sets WhyFryy apart from any other packet of potato chips out there? Well, these figures tell you just that! Each packet of WhyFryy contains chips that have been ‘popped’. This means that not a single chip in that packet is made up with even a single drop of oil whatsoever! This makes WhyFryy an extremely attractive option for anyone looking to get healthier without missing too much out of their snacking needs.
So now, it’s time for you to grab your WhyFryy pack of choice and binge on non-fried potato chips, guilt-free!