You can prevent many major issues from occurring by maintaining a proper car maintenance schedule. Apart from this, the resale value of your car can also improve if you maintain a proper maintenance history for your car. This article will prove to be a guide for you regarding your car maintenance.

Regular Maintenance


For ensuring that your car tyres are in proper shape, you need to inspect them regularly at least during your Car Service Blackley. You must check the tyre pressure with a gauge to avoid over or under-inflation. The tread depth also must be inspected. When it is a matter of safety, maintaining the correct pressure level in your tyres is good. This also ensures the right rolling resistance allowing you to save money spent on fuel. You can maintain regular wearing of the tread by rotating the tyres every 6,000-8,000 miles.

Oil Filter and Oil

You need to get your oil filter and engine oil changed regularly. This is because tiny carbon, dirt, and metal bits end up in the oil as an engine runs. This will result in excessive engine wear. a 3,000-mile rule of thumb was followed for the non-synthetic oil used traditionally in the past, but synthetic oil is used in most cars today. This can last between 5,000 and 10,000 miles safely between oil changes, based on the kind. You must inspect the level of engine oil regularly. You need to do this either once in two weeks or before a long trip.

Maintenance Before 30,000 Miles

Fuel Filter

The car engine runs roughly if the fuel filter is clogged. The suggestions of manufacturers for fuel filters vary widely. But, many get the fuel filter changed after 30,000 miles. All you can do is consult your known mechanic to make the pressure inspection for determining your fuel filter health.

Air Filter

Your engine finds it harder to breathe if the air filters are clogged. This will adversely affect the engine performance. It would be wise to alter the air filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles. If you frequently drive or live in a dusty region, you must get the filter changed near to 15,000 miles.

Maintenance Before 60,000 Miles


Through the engine radiator of your car to keep it at the correct temperature, a mix of antifreeze and water flows. The engine will overheat if you lose too much coolant. Severe damage can be caused by this. You must get your coolant replaced at 60,000 miles. The whole cooling system must be flushed by your mechanic.

Brake Fluid

Your brakes are engaged by a hydraulic system. But in a water contaminated system, the boiling point is reduced, and it can turn to compressible gas. A squishy brake pedal results from this. According to your vehicle’s manual, replace it with new brake fluid and bleed your brake system of its fluid to ensure that your brakes work efficiently. Changing it every 20,000 to 45,000 miles is recommended by most manufacturers.


Batteries are affected by extreme temperatures, age, and long periods of non-use. Keep in mind that batteries are pro-rated and warranted not mileage by time. These are designed to wear out. Many batteries have a lasting of four or five years. Around 50,000 to 60,000 miles, this puts the average driver right. You must also see that the terminals of the battery are free of dirt and corrosion.

Brake Rotors

The rotors must be replaced and its surface must be grounded down. Hence, they get smooth again roughly at 60,000 miles. The less-expensive option is re-surfacing your rotors, but you can do this once per set. The rotors can dry off to avoid any corrosion forming its good practice to go for a short drive after washing your car.

Brake Shoes or Pads

Usually making screeching noises, Brake shoes and pads are designed to wear out. You must replace them immediately. You must check them regularly. The durability of a good set is up to 50,000 miles.

You can prevent many costly repairs by adopting the above maintenance measures and opting for Tyres Blackley. It is quite essential to monitor the fluids in your car. You need to get acquainted with your transmission fluid and oil dipsticks. You must be observant, diligent and drive safely.


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