Mahindra Yuvo 585 is a classy tractor launched by Mahindra. The company is popular for their advanced tractor, which they provide at an affordable price to their customers. The company provides tractors according to the needs of the Indian farmers. Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT is a classy tractor that comes with superb features and unique looks. It is the best to have in this monsoon. The manufacturer makes it too versatile, and it is perfect for any kind of region and crops. Following, we are showing you detailed features of Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT with their price.
Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT Engine Capacity
The tractor comes with 49 HP, 4 cylinders, liquid cooled engine capacity that generates superb power. It also has a Dry Type and 44.8 PTO hp. This is the best engine combination for any region.
Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT Transmission
It comes with an optional 12 F +3 R / 12 F+ 12 R sideshift gearboxes and also has a Dual clutch with SLIPTO. This provides smooth work on firm.
Other Features
Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT manufactured with oil immersed brakes and its steering type is power steering. Along with this, it has 375 MM ground clearance. The company provides 1700 kg of hydraulic lifting capacity which can easily elevate almost all types of implements.
Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT Price
Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT price is Rs. Rs. 6.30-6.60 Lakh*. The company set the price according to the budget of the Indian farmers.
These are all about Mahindra Yuvo 585 MAT in India.