American Crisis Prevention & Management Association (ACPMA) Management of Assaultive Behavior (MAB) certification course can be conveniently done online or in the classroom. Also known as AB 508 certification training, mab certification online or managing aggressive behavior is training for healthcare professionals, teachers, law enforcement agents, and other individuals that come in contact with potential aggression. Nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals receive CE credits at the end of the course. Purchase course now at

Healthcare workers encounter high-stress situations on a daily basis with hundreds to thousands of patients. These circumstances can quickly escalate to conflict without appropriate mitigation training. Sometimes, that tension can erupt into violence. Management of Assaultive Behavior is a shortened term for certification programs that teach healthcare personnel how to prevent and de-escalate assaults in potential violent confrontations. All healthcare professionals who deal with people who may become violent should complete an MAB certification course online. It is especially advised for individuals that believe they need to enhance their negotiation and mediation abilities.

Our MAB course at elderhomecarelink, like all recognized MAB certification programs, focuses almost exclusively on non-physical methods of conflict intervention. These include techniques for detecting a potentially violent scenario as well as steps to take to prevent things from getting out of control. The course also covers a number of intervention and negotiation strategies for escalated situations, as well as what to do if an emergency occurs.

You’ll be better equipped to detect and avoid high-stress circumstances before they turn dangerous after completing our online MAB certification course. You’ll also discover how to defuse tense situations that are on the verge of becoming violent. This will allow you to be more successful as a healthcare provider while also keeping your facility (and those within it) secure.

Any course that satisfies the requirements outlined in AB508 California State Bill is an MAB course. Some institutions, on the other hand, have altered their names to promote their brand. Read the course description and make sure it fulfills the criteria stated in the AB508 California State Bill to ensure you’re enrolling in the correct course.

You’ll receive your MAB certificate after you’ve completed an MAB course. You’ll get online confirmation of your completion and access to your certificate as well as continuing education units (BRN and EMS) in a matter of seconds.