You can look at Twitter right now and find the top Twitter hashtags, but you might be thinking (and you would be right) that these hashtags are not in the least bit relevant to what you want to post about, or to what you are selling. You are right. If a top trending hashtag has nothing to do with your product, it is not a good idea to use it. You will only alienate people and turn them away. They could be looking for information on a top celebrity, but instead, they find your pork chops! They will be unhappy. But – you can still use top trending hashtags in the most clever way – one where you do bring in new customers and you do entice people to your sites.
How to use the right Twitter hashtag
The hashtag you use should be relevant to your product. You can find trending Twitter hashtags by using a hashtag finder. They will give you the right hashtag, or many right hashtags, that you should use. If you are selling pork chops, and note that this is an example only, they will give you the top trending hashtags related to food or food sales. They will match the trending hashtags to your product, or go as close as they can, but will not only spew out hashtags like #Porkchops, but will give you trending hashtags too.
So what does a hashtag do? Well, your customers and potential customers find you a lot easier if you use a hashtag or a few. You get more brand awareness. People remember you and start following you, increasing your brand and customer base. And slowly, you see your product grow.
Use the top Twitter hashtags when you Tweet about something, but use those that are relevant to what you are selling or offering.