When the pathogenic bacteria, which can cause infections and disease, enter the body, they start reproducing and infecting healthy bacteria. Anti-bacterial cure infections and fight against pathogenic bacteria. Anti-bacterial refer to anti-biotics that mainly kill or inhibit bacteria. Many antibacterial pills shun bacteria and infections. For example, you can use the best apple cider vinegar pills; it has the most effective response against pathogens including bacteria. Though there are many pills and medicine that doctors prescribe as anti-bacterial, there are many food items that are naturally anti-bacterial. They are capable of performing the same function fighting against bacteria.
1- Garlic:
Garlic has some potential medicinal properties, therefore it is widely known for its curative capabilities. It is widely effective for human health, from lowering blood pressure to regulating cholesterol and curing the sickness to preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Not only this, garlic is equally significant against bacterial diseases. The main compound in the garlic ‘Allicin’ is responsible for anti-microbial functions. Allicin hinders the production of biofilms which is the bacteria’s greatest defense mechanism. It also shuns the production of enzymes which are responsible for providing energy to the bacteria. Without energy and apt defence, bacteria immediately die. In this way, garlic helps in curing and fighting against bacteria and other pathogens.
2- Honey:
Since the beginning of the world, honey is considered one of the most effective natural ingredients for healing wounds, burns, and curing infections. It is a natural antibacterial with the characteristics to inhibit and kill bacteria. Manuka Honey, especially, which is rich in methylglyoxal is a very effective antibacterial. Phenolic acid, flavonoids, and esters are the compounds in the honey that boost the immune system and create a robust defence against infections. Honey also has enzymes that are cable of reducing the affinity of bacterial infections. Research reveals that honey can inhibit about 60 kinds of bacteria.
3- Ginger:
Ginger is one of the most common and widely used herbs. It grows at the roots of the ginger plant and is used in many medicines and ayurvedic. Compounds in ginger like flavonoids, terpenoids, Shagelol, gingerol, gingerol give it antimicrobial properties. Shagelol and gingerol are amongst the most active constituents in ginger that has anti-bacterial activity. They inhibit the formation of the biofilm that weakens the bacteria. Many studies suggest that ginger can fight strains of bacteria.
4- Cinnamon:
Cinnamon is a widely used herb, and it also contains a wide range of anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The main components in the cinnamon, as cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, provide the cure of the conditions resulted due to bacterial infections.
5- Turmeric:
Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance. It is a yellow Indian spice, that is widely used in Indian cuisines. It is a powerful ingredient that inhabits the production of disease-causing bacteria. The most active component in turmeric is curcumin, which performs anti-viral and anti-bacterial activities against pathogens.
Side Effects Of Natural Anti-Bacterial:
We usually think that something natural has no negative repercussions. But that is not true. For anything, be it natural or artificial, its amount and concentration play a pivotal role in its effects. So, always consult a health expert before you fix your dosage on your own. A high dosage of garlic, for example, can inhibit the effects of HIV medication or can increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, it is crucial to consume these products carefully.
Natural ingredients such as garlic, ginger, honey, turmeric, cinnamon are highly active against bacteria and other microbial infections. A decent amount of regular consumption can make us void of bacterial infections and diseases.
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