Parking lots are inviting, aren’t they?

If the correct amount of lumens and energy-efficient light fixtures are installed instead of traditional ones like halogen and high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights, then the outdoors of the business establishments become safe and welcoming.

For example, car dealerships compete with each other to illuminate their premises and welcome potential customers. The visitors can view the vehicle properly in the night hours also. The outdoors are also secured against theft and damage due to adequate brightness.

One also needs to eliminate the unwanted threats that creep inside a parking lot. Traditional lights work a bit differently, and there are times when they can’t deliver the required lumen capacity, making the premises unsafe for visitors. Lumen is the measurement of brightness which is assured with the light fixture.

Many property managers and business owners have decided to upgrade their traditional lights with new generation LED technology. LED parking lot lights eliminate the risk of any kind of hazards and theft issues. The LED pole lights are the best option to bring quality brightness to the premises.


LED pole lights are commonly mounted on the poles and are more efficient than their traditional counterparts. Footcandles (fc) is the most common measuring unit for calculating the light levels of the exteriors—the illuminance of one square foot surface from a constant light fixture. However, the light professionals recommend that the minimum level be 1fc, and a maximum of 4fc is required to deliver optimal lighting to a given area.

Motion sensors

An excellent way to improve an area’s illumination and energy efficiency is by installing motion sensors to the fixtures. To create the optimal lighting for your desired space, it is essential to know whether or not there are maximum height allowances. You can find this information with commercial properties and by knowing where you’ll be located about all other businesses around you because different heights might need consideration depending on if their poles reach higher than yours do.

Well-lit parking lot lights make the establishment look promising and inviting. However, the driving factor behind choosing LED pole lights is energy reduction. LED technology helps to reduce the power consumption by 50%, and it shows on the monthly bills.

Less maintenance

LED lights also require less maintenance and replacement when compared to traditional light fixtures. In addition, the correct product yields a longer lifespan and efficient lumen capacity for the premises. A research study has shown that installing LED pole lights in major areas has significantly decreased crime-related incidents for that particular area.

Mounting heights

Mounting heights for parking lot lights can range from 12 feet to 20 feet, but the poles are as high as 35 feet in some cases. But, again, the size of your parking lot will determine what height you need – taller poles when there’s more space available or shorter ones if it’s smaller than that required by the area.


Retrofitting is also a process where you install new LED lights on the existing fixtures. The LED retrofit kits generally utilize your old fixtures and improve the lumen capacity of your exteriors. As a result, retrofitting old fixtures with LED lights costs less, and it’s easy to install. However, it’s also necessary to inspect your LED fixtures from time to time. For example, you need to take note of wind speed, rainfall, and the presence of nearby tree branches.


It is always recommended two LED Parking lot lighting heads of 20,000 lumens each at about 15-20 feet high on each pole. If you want your space more illuminated, go for 30 or 40k lamps and space them out about 30-40 ft apart (depending upon how bright it needs to be for the premises).