If you are a new insurance agent, you should read this guide to learn how you can generate quality car insurance leads.

Finding the best car insurance leads is not as easy as it may seem, even for the most experienced agents. That is why we have curated this list of approaches to generate leads for insurance agents who are just getting started.



When it comes to generating quality leads, referrals from satisfied clients cannot be beaten. Unfortunately, it is hard to come by referrals when you are new and your list of clients is small. However, there is no rule that referrals should come from customers. It is still possible to get introductions to potential customers or clients from people who trust you already, such as family, friends, and colleagues.


Even if you get the dreaded call from customers asking to cancel their policy, ensure you remind them that you are there for them anytime they need you. You should consider creating a system to do exit surveys when customers leave to look for improvement areas.

car insurance leads
car insurance leads.

Become active in your community

If you want to establish a good reputation as a committed and caring member of your community, you can become a volunteer. However, you can show off your car insurance industry chops by advising local charities on insurance purchases, taking part in online forums, hosting insurance seminars for business owners, and helping clients’ relatives and friends when appropriate.


While it may be tempting to do so, do not treat these situations the same way you would treat a sales presentation. Whilst ultimately you would like these interactions to generate car insurance leads, your main goal should be contributing positively to your community. You should demonstrate sincerity to keep your name top of mind and attract prospects to your agency when they require your services.


Old school way

Privacy laws, spam folders, and do not call registries have made connecting with insurance leads harder than in the past. However, some tried and true prospecting strategies still work. These tactics include fishbowl drawings, print advertisements, and reading the local paper.


Go new school

You can use your website to generate high-quality leads. You should enable features that request contact information. However, you need to bear in mind that these elements will not do all the work for you. You should do things like putting contact forms on all your pages, including testimonials to enhance your business credibility, Highlighting your contact information and so on. Do not bypass the possibility of getting referrals from social media. These untapped resources for finding clients can be harnessed by newbie insurance agents to grow their client lists.


Start a referral program

Launching a referral program is very easy. However, it is important to know that making your referral program effective is the hardest thing for most businesses. You can increase the effectiveness of your referral program by throwing incentives for referrals.



Networking is one of the best ways to get the best car insurance leads. A lot of people need insurance. You just need to know how to reach them. You can do this by being active on social media, joining your chamber of commerce, and attending networking events.