Lack of sleep means not getting or sleeping for the required healthy time which is 7 hours per night for adults. Sleeping time matters a lot in improving or degrading the health and fitness level of the person. There are a lot of unhealthy effects of not sleeping well that can reduce age and can cause fatal health diseases which play a crucial role in causing early age death. Perhaps not sleeping well and regular smoking are those common bad habits that produce many dangerous diseases as compared to other factors or daily routine habits.

How lack of sleep can turn your health into nightmare

Here is why you need to sleep well. Some problems that can cause disturbance without proper sleep are discussed here:

It causes blood pressure to rise – Your blood pressure can increase if you don’t sleep well. Sleep plays a crucial role in improving all body functions including blood flow. During sleep, BP decrease and not giving proper time to sleep can cause hypertension like severe issues. High BP is also linked with heart diseases, kidney diseases, and much more.

It causes heart problems – Lack of sleep is also associated with cardiovascular diseases. A person with sleep deprivation is more at risk of stroke, heart attack, and vascular-related diseases.

It causes diabetes – Diabetes is becoming a very common health issue. It is the most contributor factor in heart and kidney failure diseases. Bad sleeping is highly related to diabetes in peoples.

It causes obesity – Obese person remains at severe disease risks. Heart, kidneys, High bp, diabetes, cancer, depression, anxiety, and other issues are highly linked with obesity. Less sleeping time can reduce your energy expenditure which in results can cause heavy fat tissues to cover up your body.

It causes depression and anxiety – depression and anxiety are common in peoples who don’t sleep enough. Not just these two but sleep deprivation can cause mental disorders and can also trigger symptoms or relapse of several mental diseases.

It causes cancer – Cancer is a condition in which body cells grow and increase fast and distribute themselves in the whole body. Cancer is a severe disease and many peoples are losing their lives due to it. Studies say lack of sleep is associated with several types of cancers.

It degrade physical performance – Sleep helps your body to recover and improves its performance while lack of sleep is associated with fatigue, tiredness, weakness which can degrade your performance during physical works. Moreover, accidents like injuries during works can become common if workers take less sleep and work more.