Freezing is a subject that is not as simple as that appears to be. Many aspects are not only confusing but also call for a deeper understanding.
One of such aspects is the difference between freezing and deep freezing. Yes, you heard it right. There are differences between them despite sounding similar.
So, let us explore the differences between them.
In simple terms, freezing involves gradual temperature decreases, and deep freezing involves quick temperature decreases.
It might require up to 24 hours to reach a freezing temperature, but deep freezing attains the same temperature within an hour.
Essentially, the difference arises in the speed at which temperature decreases. While it is fast in deep freezing, it is slow in freezing.
Let us now explore the advantages and disadvantages of the two preservation techniques:
It is the traditional method of preservation for extended periods. A house refrigerator performs this function regularly.
The involved process is simple. Once you place an item inside the unit, it loses temperature gradually, and it can take around 24 hours to reach -18 degrees C.
During the cooling process, the water on the stored items gets converted into ice crystals. For food items, the size of the ice crystals can negatively impact them. There arises the possibility of the food losing freshness, vitamins, and other qualities.
There is also the possibility of crystal edges perforating the food cell wall, which can dry out the food items.
With deep freezing, the stored items reach a temperature between -30 to -50 degrees C. It allows you to store fresh products, such as food items, for long periods and preserving nutrients.
During the deep-freezing process, the water on the stored items is finely crystallized. As such, dietary fibers in food items do not break. It keeps the flavor and nutritional properties of food items intact.
But, ensure that the cold storage unit you use for deep freezing works properly. Check its freezing capacity on the unit’s datasheet, ensure that it meets your requirements, and avoid unwanted issues, like food poisoning.
It will help if you keep in mind that deep freezing can lead to serious food poisoning if the process is not correct. So, take the necessary precautions to avoid the possibility and preserve the original quality of food items stored in the unit.
What are the Key Safety Precautions for Deep Freezing?
Deep freezing can involve issues that call for the necessary precautions, such as:
Temperature Maintenance
Make sure that you cool food items to 4 degrees C before freezing them. It helps you to avoid increasing the chamber temperature, causing more electricity consumption.
Once frozen, keep the items at temperatures varying from -9 to -18 degrees C, depending on the items. Ensure to monitor the temperature of the unit.
Do not store an item that has started spoiling. Make sure you store fresh items in a deep freezer to preserve their qualities.
It is advisable to adhere to the basic hygienic rules while handling items stored in a cold storage unit. Do not be under the influence of the idea that microorganisms become dormant in low temperatures. It will help if you keep in mind that some microorganisms can survive such temperatures.
When it comes to a laboratory freezer, you cannot escape maintaining the necessary hygienic practices. So, ensure that you:
- Wash your hands, items, and handling tools
- Clean the cold storage unit
- Use sealed freezer bags to keep food items
- Never refreeze an item that defrosted or during defrosting. It will spread bacteria, and pathogenic bacteria can cause food poisoning
Some Common Freezer Problems
You may have a freezer or deep freezer, but you will see similar problems in both types of units. While some problems are easy to detect, others take a bit longer.
The following are the common problems:
High Temperatures
When your freezer temperature goes higher, it cannot keep the stored items in cold temperatures. High temperatures are indications of the thermostat malfunctioning, and that calls for a repair.
Frost Buildup
The cold environment in your freezer can result in a building-up of frost at times. However, some troubleshooting can fix the frost buildup issue.
Water Leakage
When you see water leaking out of your deep freezer, you can regard it due to issues with the defrost drain or condensation pan. If you see water leakage and other problems from your deep freezer, call up a technician to fix it.
Some noises are normal for any freezer. But, when you hear abnormal sounds, it can be due to problems with the freezer fan.
If your freezer does not work, it can be due to a problem with the electronic controls or power flow. Call a technician to fix the problem.
Things to Do Before Calling a Technician
Before you call a technician to fix your freezer’s problems, it is a good idea to check out a few things to fix the issue yourself. Check if:
- Stored items are blocking the vents
- The temperature is too low
- The door is open
- There is any leak on the valve