Jharkhand (India), September 9, 2021 – Private players are trying to open new avenues for Jharkhandans. It could be Tatas OSF or the initiative no run by ECL, Adani Godda.

Hemant Soren, the Chief Minister of Jharkhand, stressed the importance of the state’s ability to look beyond the mines during a workshop held by Niti Aayog and the state government. He was quoted saying that in addition to large manufacturing units, such as power or steel plants, people in Jharkhand require assistance in sectors such as tourism, agriculture and other similar sectors for the general development of the state.

It’s true even though the economy of Jharkhand heavily relies upon its mineral resources. Contemplating the richness of the resources, numerous private players are managing their projects that help boost the state’s economy and creating jobs.

Adani Godda is currently developing a Power Plant, which is set to go into operation during the first quarter of 2022. It will increase the number of jobs and contribute to boost the economy of the state. It will not only create enormous job opportunities, but it will also solve the electricity related challenges.

While 1660 MW of electricity is anticipated to be generated by the Adanis power plant in Godda The state will be receiving 400 MW of electricity.

Given such initiatives from firms like Adani in Godda, one of the country’s poorest regions, is a possibility of becoming an industrial centre.

Apart from Adani, Godda has also received tremendous support from Eastern Coalfields Limited. The company is establishing a skill training centre with the aim to churn out employment opportunities for young people.

Additionally as part of its strategy to promote fishing as an alternative source of revenue, Tata has launched Open Source Fisheries (OSF) which concentrates on training communities of fishermen to breed and rear fish. More than 1000 farmers have embraced the integrated livelihood model, not only in Jharkhand but as well in Andhra Pradesh.

Transitioning to new economic sources can be difficult for a country that relies of coal and various minerals for many years. For the moment, the traditional power and steel plant projects have become an important source of employment for people.