Compared with the rest of the world, divorce in America is a fairly normal end to a marriage. With American legal culture in need of a more productive way of dealing with a massive influx of such cases, simplified divorce has been developed. This form of divorce avoids some of the most time-consuming and difficult elements of the legal side of divorce. While this kind of divorce is less of a hassle for those going through the process, it can be more difficult to qualify as a participant.

Perhaps the most destructive end of divorce comes when a couple faces the division of property. When couples come to this portion of divorce proceedings, fights over homes, vehicles, or objects of sentimental value can devolve a civil affair into an ugly string of personal attacks used to gain the upper hand. However, with simplified divorce, all property concerns must be agreed upon before the court proceedings.

For some couples with young children, divorce can raise custody issues that can also turn sour. Similarly, with property division, simplified divorce refuses these sorts of debates. According to most jurisdictions, having a child who has not reached the age of legal majority automatically disqualifies a couple from entering into this type of divorce.

In addition to these qualifications, couples entering into simplified divorce must also publicly state that they have exhausted their marriage and cannot be salvaged. This legal statement holds both the couple accountable for the divorce’s full legal seriousness, as these particular divorces can be quickly drawn up.

In the unfortunate circumstance that the partners cannot work out divorce issues, you need an accomplished divorce lawyer – Mr. Eric M Nakasu. He will take the opportunity to identify your matter & will prepare to go to battle for your benefits. You can trust Mr. Nakasu, the Child Custody Attorney Orange County to help you navigate your divorce disputes. Contact Mr. Nakasu at 1-714~916-9800 for a free initial consultation.