If you are currently on the hunt for professional commercial painters in Columbus, Ohio, you might have questions regarding things such as the kind of work you might expect from commercial painters all the way to what the difference in pricing might be between commercial and residential painting.
A common misconception in relation to commercial and residential painting is that all of the steps and elements tied into each painting services is exactly the same. There are differences between the painting services that professional residential painters provide and the services that professional commercial painters in Columbus, Ohio provide.
Key Differences Between Residential and Commercial Painting That Can Affect Price
Differences in how professional commercial painters in Columbus, Ohio will affect the estimate and final price that you will pay for your various painting projects.
Size of Your Project
One of the biggest differences that might make commercial painting more expensive than residential painting is the size of your project. Residential projects will typically include things such as homes, townhouses, condos, and other living spaces like tiny homes.
Commercial painting projects on the other hands are going to be much larger. Painting projects taken on by commercial painters in Columbus, Ohio can include apartment buildings, office buildings, stores, restaurants and more. They will all be large, commercial spaces that require more work and time than a home or condo might.
Building Material
Since commercial painting projects are going to be fairly large, the materials that professional commercial painters have experience working with in comparison to painters that only handle residential projects may differ. Some of those materials can include:
- Marble
- Various metals
- Concrete
- Various woods
- Brick
Project Management
The basics of project management are going most likely remain the same for both residential and professional commercial painters in Columbus, Ohio. Commercial painting will see more of a focus placed onto not disrupting business and ensuring that the large commercial project is wrapped up in an efficient and timely manner.
Number of Painters
Another factor that can affect the pricing of commercial painting compared to residential painting is the number of painters that are going to be working on the project itself. Professional commercial painters in Columbus, Ohio take on the large commercial projects that range from stores and restaurants to malls. These large commercial buildings typically require more painters.
A team of painters working on commercial buildings face the task of covering the entire area that needs to be painted as well as making sure that the painting project is completed on time as well. Compared to residential painting, teams of painters may skew larger for commercial projects to meet deadlines.
Professional Commercial Painters In Columbus, Ohio – Pricing
With all of the above factors in mind, commercial painting pricing will typically be more expensive than residential painting. The best way to find out what kind of pricing you might be looking at for your individual project is to get in touch with professional commercial painters in Columbus, Ohio.
You will be able to ask for a quote, where you can be specific in what all your project entails. Details may include the kind and size of the building, if you are interested in custom painting like the addition of a mural, and more. A quote will give you a better idea of the pricing that your commercial project will be.