Title: Part No. LM339

The LM339 series number contains of 4 independent, high-gain, internally frequency remunerated operational amplifiers that is designed to work from a selected power supply over a number of range of voltages and they are also open collector. Operation from split-power supplies is somehow feasible and therefore the low-power supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the attached supply voltage. As an example, the LM339 series can immediately operate off the quality 5-V power supply voltage which is somehow engaged in digital systems and simply provides the specified boundary value conditions electronics without requiring the extra ±15 V power supplies.


Direct voltage gain is high
Power supply range are of frequent values
output voltage of swing is large as compared to input voltage
Input offset voltage is somehow low up to some value


A comparator circuit let us know about two voltages and outputs either a 1 (the voltage at the plus side; VDD within the illustration) or a 0 (the voltage at the negative side) to suggest which is larger one. Comparators are mostly used in case, as an example, to test whether an input has reached its mark or not some predetermined value. In most cases a comparator is implemented employing a dedicated comparator IC, but op-amps could also be used as a substitute. Comparator diagrams and op-amp diagrams use the matching symbols.


Application areas include transducer amplifiers, Direct current gain blocks and all the typical op amp circuits which straightaway is more simply applied in single power supply systems.

PS: Find Memory – Batteries,Memory – Configuration Proms for FPGAs on Utsource