Indeed dogs are the best and the most interested kind of students a master could ask for. And the involvement of rewards often makes them work for it all the more.

As their parents, your praise and approval make them happy but treats act as a reinforcement, something that causes your fur-friends to increase the frequency of their actions.

For instance, if you reinforce your dog to pull his paws out when you put your hand in front of them and in return give a little treat as a reward. The likelihood of your dog always putting up their paws when someone waves their hand in front of them will also increase.

Treats have always worked as a primary reinforcer. It drives the willingness of your fur-friend to work more for it. Even experts of dog training in Adelaide assert the same.

Read on to learn more about the importance of dog treats in training.

1.     Easy to use

Dog treats are usually biscuit-based dietary supplements that are handy and can be easily given to your dog in the process of training. It is so easy to gobble down that your dog can easily move on to the next activity even after having a treat.

For instance, if you are teaching your basic dog manners, like Sit, Drop, Stay, and every time they do so, you reward them by playing tug of war or frisbee with them. This increases the time of training and makes them exhausted, which makes it difficult to carry on the training process. But when you simply pass them a treat as a reward, the training session will be faster and completed.

2.     Build a better connection

We all are aware of the saying which goes somewhat like ‘ the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’ Well, the saying goes for your four-legged friends too.

As a pet parent, you would always want to have a genuine relationship with your dog, and treats during training can help you build that. That’s because, in your dog’s eye, you would be that person who gives them great things, which will make the training program much easier and more fun.

3.     Improves their IQ

According to The Dogington post, a 10 minutes mental exercise for your dog is equivalent to a 30 minutes physical exercise. Isn’t it amazing?

Moreover, basic things like treats can help you with both parts. Dog treats for training pups foster brain development, improving their IQ.

You can hide the treats around the house or even fill them in interactive toys like IQ treat balls, which need to be retrieved by your dog. This encourages them to think of a way out of the treat.


Dog treats are completely natural, grain and gluten-free, just like human snacks. They are easy to digest.  Also, they don’t have any side effects, which makes them more worthy to be used during the training process. Even professionals in dog training in Adelaide recommend using them.

Author’s Bio

Shrey Jain is the Co-Founder of Writofy & a Chartered Accountant who works with a team of creative content writers. He holds a forte in creating informative content on niches like crypto, business, fintech, digital marketing, and several others. In addition, his willingness to learn and share his knowledge can immensely help readers get valuable insights on varied topics.