Many students or recent graduates do not know what information to put on their first resume.

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And although there are no quick or definitive rules to write a good resume, there are some recommendations that can make it easier for us to write your resume. 

We suggest you focus your first CV on school achievements and future work goals; that way the recruiter will identify your affinity with the position.

In this type of curriculum, experience takes second place, and the objective is to describe the academic training, knowledge, skills and additional competencies that you possess.

Example of how to write your resume without experience 

In addition to helpful tips, we’ve shared a downloadable example so you can use it as a guide. Take note!

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Make a short and brief document. Whether or not you have experience, the CV should include:

  • Personal information
  • Academic training
  • Relevant courses
  • Skills and Knowledge

Make sure to divide each section correctly to make it easier to read.

Have a professional email and online presence. Your high school email is not appropriate for your professional life. Create a unique one for work and leave out: nicknames, funny phrases, cartoons or fictitious names.

Do you notice the difference?

Your presence on the networks also matters. Do you share relevant information on your social networks? They can be a great way to show a little more of your interests and talents.

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Talk about your goals. Maybe you don’t have work experience, or you do, but not in your area of ​​study. That does not mean that you do not have defined goals and particular interests. If you are studying Accounting, for example, you may be interested in the tax area.

Tell the recruiter a little about yourself and tell him why you can be a good element, talk about your motivation and interest in the industry.

Tip: Instead of writing a traditional Job Objective, opt for a Professional Profile. See the example in the downloadable CV that we include in this article.

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Sell ​​yourself. When there is not much to say about work experience, academic achievements, volunteer work, skills and knowledge, are the best selling weapons.

If you are a student or recent graduate, mention the outstanding information from your academic life: did you get any recognition? Did you have a project in charge? Did you create an innovative proposal? Everything counts!

Talk about high school. When you are in college or just finished college, your high school studies are relevant if:

  • You won any recognition or award
  • You were the leader of an academic or sports group
  • You have a technical career relevant to your career
  • You got a scholarship

If you have finished high school and want to work, your baccalaureate is essential. Include outstanding achievements or activities. Remember that the more preparation, the better the salary, look for alternatives to finish your studies while you work.

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Hey, you do have experience! If you look for it well, you will find it. Work experience does not imply a labor contract and a minimum of one year seniority. There are many ways to show that you have worked.

For example, volunteering counts as experience, even if you don’t receive a salary. Your social service should also go on your CV.

If you worked one summer, part-time at a food chain, or in a family member’s business on weekends, include it!

Every year in Mexico we face the same educational problem: the lack of opportunities for higher-level students in the main public universities: UNAM, IPN and UAM and the lack of points in the admission exams. 

Among the reasons that lead to this educational crisis are the over-demand for careers (such as Medicine, Law, Communication, Accounting, etc.), the precarious quality of education (which prevents applicants from reaching the minimum score requested) and the famous “regulated pass” (which drastically reduces the number of available spots).

Currently with the situation that we have been experiencing for a year (the pandemic caused by Covid-19), many students chose to take a sabbatical and focus or take different courses. This causing there to be more places in the universities but still  there is an obstacle for applicants:

The entrance exam

All entrance exams have a similar structure in which it is divided by subjects.

Depending on the career to choose, it may be more extensive or in other cases have a greater amount of reagents from a specific area.

Although the EXCLA and EXUBI type assessments are lighter, for many students it is stressful to take any entrance exam.

Here we present three educational options that dispense with the application of exams. In addition, you can do it completely online, that is, finish university from home , avoiding contagion or pauses that may arise due to situations outside your life.



The admission model to this university is not by selection but by lottery .

Due to the non-discrimination stance , all applicants have the same opportunity to enter, according to the lawsuit.

It is free and has an educational offer in three areas of knowledge: Humanities , Social Sciences and Science and Technology .

It has undergraduate and graduate programs; in addition to seminars and diplomas, focused on the humanities and art.

There are four UACM campuses: Casa Libertad, Centro Histórico, Cuautepec and Del Valle.

Annually the call for new admission and a waiting list with folios of students with postponed enrollment are published.

The basic requirements to enter are: entry registration, upper secondary level certificate, birth certificate, proof of address, CURP and official identification.

Another of the peculiarities of this institution is that it cares about equality issues.

For this reason, applicants are asked for a “gender manifestation letter” (to state the name and identity with which they wish to carry out their procedures).


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Self-named the first Positive University in the world, because the study plans require the student’s willingness to establish their own educational dynamics.

It has 29 campuses throughout the Mexican Republic and part of its offer is online with high school, bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

One property of this educational system is that it gives greater relevance to EXECUTIVE CAREERS, which allow students to work and continue their professional development.

It is a private educational institution that requests the basic documents for enrollment.

It has scholarship plans, educational loans and agreements with companies to provide students with financial support.


The curricula are 100% online, giving students educational flexibility (with some blended offerings).

It has high school, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs.

In addition, the student has a complete digital infrastructure to promote their professional development.

This includes job placement, language learning and alternative forms of certification (such as Intermediate Degrees to prove knowledge).