Fungal infections can occur differently in both dogs and humans. It can be of two types, i.e., systemic type and localized type. While the systemic ones affect your pet’s internal organs, localized types are more visible through the skin and other organs. Skin Fungus holistic pet healing can be a very effective, non-toxic approach to cure dogs of fungal infections. Let’s get to know various types of fungal infections and how to treat them with holistic care.

What are some major canine fungal infections to treat through holistic care?

Fungal infection caused by Blastomyces

Blastomyces is popularly known for causing blastomycosis, which is a systemic fungal infection. Your dog might show possible symptoms like weight loss, fever, inflammation in the skin and eye, and coughing, etc. This can be treated using generic anti-fungal drugs. However, you can make skin fungus holistic pet healing approach to cure them with diet modification and without requiring chemical mediations.

Skin infection caused by ringworm

Ringworm infection is also considered a fungal infection, otherwise known as dermatophytosis. Its symptoms are seen mostly on the skin and nails, where red circular-shaped lesions are formed. These areas and generally sore and itchy. Anti-fungal ointments can cure this skin infection, but if your pet doesn’t respond to them, there is an alternative approach for skin fungus holistic pet healing for treating it using essential oils and organic powders, and diet adjustments.

With patience and an individualized approach, various itchy conditions in pets can be successfully treated along with minimal conventional medications. Are you interested in taking a holistic approach to cure your pet’s skin disease? Then get in touch with consultations to tackle the skin infection with alternative treatment therapies.